
Data Set for CHAPTER 9

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The concentration of a dye in mg/ml X 102 (second column) in plasma in a calf as a function of time in minutes (first column). Data extracted from "The Measurement of Liver Blood Flow in Conscious Calves" by F.A. Harrison, F. Hills, J.Y.F. Patterson, and R.C. Saunders, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, Volume 74, 1988, 235-247.

[image of calves.dta]
1st col 2nd col
1 10.20
2 7.67
3 5.76
4 4.50
5 3.56
6 2.77
7 2.30
8 1.84
9 1.46
10 1.26
13 0.77
16 0.52
19 0.39
22 0.28
25 0.22
28 0.17
31 0.14