
Data Set for CHAPTER 8

To view or download pend02.dta or its corresponding description file pend02.inf, use the Save As or Save this Link As options.

This shows the period in seconds (second column) of a nonlinear pendulum of length 47.5 cm as a function of the initial angle in degrees (first column). Data from "The PET and the pendulum: An application of microcomputers to the undergraduate laboratory" by G. M. Quist, The American Journal of Physics, Vol. 5, 1983, 145-149. Figure3.

[image of pend02.dta]
1st col 2nd col
5 1.3800
10 1.3838
15 1.3846
20 1.3918
25 1.3989
30 1.4057
35 1.4137
40 1.4267
45 1.4368
50 1.4562
55 1.4667
60 1.4844
65 1.5042
70 1.5248
75 1.5501
80 1.5775
85 1.6053