
Data Set for CHAPTER 8

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The charge in volts (second column) was measured as a function of time in seconds (first column) for a parallel RLC circuit, with R=50 ohms, L=103 henries, and C=0.1 X 10-6 farads. Experiment performed by Scott Hayes, a student at the University of Arizona.

[image of rcl-p.dta]
1st col 2nd col
0.000000 1.00
0.000005 0.89
0.000010 0.71
0.000015 0.52
0.000020 0.36
0.000025 0.25
0.000030 0.18
0.000035 0.13
0.000040 0.09
0.000045 0.05
0.000050 0.04