
Data Set for CHAPTER 4

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A biologist measured the length of a sturgeon over a 21 year period. This shows the length in centimeters (second column) as a function of the time in years (first column). Data from "General System Theory" by L. von Bertalanffy, Braziller, 1968, page 177, Table 7.5.

[image of sturgeon.dta]
1st col 2nd col
0 21.1
1 32.0
2 42.3
3 51.4
4 60.1
5 68.0
6 75.3
7 82.3
8 89.0
9 95.3
10 101.6
11 107.6
12 112.7
13 117.7
14 122.2
15 126.5
16 130.9
17 135.3
18 140.2
19 145.0
20 148.6
21 152.0