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Pictures from the Present and the Past

  1. The Night Sky and more.
  2. The Time at the int. AFCENT School including pictures from 1977/78..
  3. The Green Team.
  4. Trip with Felix to the four corners region.
  5. Rocky Point, Mexico.
  6. Chiricahua mountains.
  7. Uschi and Rolf's visit November 1999..
  8. Soccer intermurals 1999. The math department's team made into the final and won it!!! The final was on Wednesday, the 1st of Dec, 8 pm, 1999, at the Rincon Vista sports complex.
Some PixInsight links:
  1. Processing Blog
  2. Harry's astro Shed
  3. Pixinsight and Narrow band
  4. good starmask generation video
  5. pixinsight noise red. with tgv
  6. pixinsight NB rosette nebula workflow
  7. Austrian pixinsight infos, scripts, tutorials
  8. Pixinsight useful web sites
  9. Pixinsight deconvolution you tube video
  10. Wechselberger colllection of video tutorials
  11. a NYT article on the equation of time and sun rise/set

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