Arizona Winter School 1998
Buium's Reading List

A. Buium,
Intersections in jet spaces and a conjecture of S.Lang,
Annals of Math. 136 (1992), 583-593.
A. Buium,
Effective bound for the geometric Lang conjecture,
Duke Math. J., 71, 2 (1993), 475-499.
A. Buium,
On a question of B.Mazur,
Duke Math. J., 75, 3, (1994), 639-644.
A. Buium,
The abc theorem for abelian varieties,
Intern. Math. Research Notices 5 (1994), 219-233.
A. Buium,
Geometry of p-jets,
Duke Math. J., 82, 2, (1996), 349-367.
A. Buium,
Differential characters of abelian varieties over p-adic fields,
Invent. Math., 122, 2, (1995), 309-340.
A. Buium,
Differential modular forms,
in preparation.