To Strengthen the Mathematical Education of America's Teachers
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July 10—16, 2005: PMET Workshop on Mathematical Preparation of Middle and High School Teachers
with Focus on Algebra

This page will be periodically updated as information becomes available.

Park City Mathematics Institute, Park City, Utah
Patrick Callahan, University of California, Office of the President

William McCallum, University of Arizona, Department of Mathematics
Special focus:
Algebra in Middle and High School
Applications: Online application form available on the 2005 PMET Workshops page.

Workshop Description

The workshop is aimed at university and college faculty who teach or are interested in teaching class for the preparation of middle and highschool teachers. The core activity of the program will be the observation and analysis of a demonstration class for prospective teachers taught to undergraduates at the University of Utah. There will also be afternoon sessions with leading educators and mathematicians.

Afternoon sessions
  • Monday: Cathy Kessel, Mathematics Education Consultant, Berkeley, The Mathematical Education of Teachers Report and Some of Its Algebraic Ramifications
  • Tuesday: R. James Milgram, Stanford University, The Mathematics Preservice Teachers Need to Know and Alan Tucker, SUNY Stonybrook, What is Profound Understanding of Mathematics in High School?
  • Wednesday: Richard Askey, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Patsy Wang-Iverson, Research for Better Schools, The TIMSS Video Project
  • Thursday: Deborah Ball and Hyman Bass, University of Michigan, topic TBA
  • Friday: Ann Watkins, California State University, Northridge, Statistics in Secondary Schools
Tentative daily schedule
     9:00–10:30 Demonstration Class at the University of Utah
     10:30– 11:00 Travel back to Park City
     11:00– 12:00 Analysis of morning's class
     12:00– 1:30 Lunch
     1:30– 3:30 Presentations by guest speakers
     3:30–4:00 Afternoon break
     4:00–5:00 Preparation for next morning's class

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Last modified: Mon May 9 20 19:31 MST 2005