Marta Civil - |
of Mathematics - University of Arizona
STCH 250 - Section 2 - Course Webpage - Fall 03
b) You have each been assigned to a middle school and a high school. In preparation for your first set of observations, you should become familiar with your schools. See the links below to the different school districts as well as to other education related web pages (including the azstarnet one, where you can find information on the AIMS scores for 2003 that were just published on 9/3/03). Your task is to write about half a page on each of your two schools, based on information that you gather from the web pages (or other sources you may have access to). What kind of information? Here are some examples:
- Number of students; Percentage of students on reduced / free lunch (if not available for the school, you may be able to find it for the district); percentage of students who are English learners.
- AIMS scores (that is percentage of students excelling, meeting standards, approaching standards, failing) and other information on students’ performance (e.g. Stanford 9)
- Any other information on the school that seems of interest to you.
Education Links
Catalina Foothills
Flowing Wells
Tanque Verde
StarNet Education
No Child Left Behind
National Center for Educational
Bring an extra copy (you can hand write them) of your two questions (not the answers). I will use some of your questions to guide the in-class discussion of the article.
Reading Packet: “Thinking about becoming a mathematics teacher”
To turn in:
Email: Marta Civil
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