

Topic and

Lead Facilitator




Welcome and overview of work ahead




Discourse Analysis in Mathematics Education: Conversations in the Classroom.


Randi Berlinger

Gee, J. P. (2002). Discourses at school. In D. C.S Li (Ed.), Discourses in search of members (pp. 79-101). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.


Street, B. (1999). New Literacies in Theory and Practice: What are the Implications for Language in Education? Linguistics and Education 10(1), 1-24.



Engaging Parents in Discussions on Mathematics Education: Issues of Valorization and Power


Beatriz Quintos (with Marta Civil)

Horvat, E. M., Weininger, E. B. and Lareau, A. (2003). From social ties to social capital: Class differences in the relations between schools and parent networks. American Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 319-351.


Quintos, B., Bratton J., & Civil, M. (2005, February). Engaging with Parents on a Critical Dialogue About Mathematics Education. Paper presented at the Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, February 17-21, 2005, Sant Feliu de Gu’xols, Spain.



Research in an After-school Mathematics Club


Ksenija Simic


Gonz‡lez, N., Andrade, R., Civil, M., & Moll, L.C. (2001). Bridging funds of distributed knowledge: Creating zones of practices in mathematics. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 6, 115-132.


GutiŽrrez, K., Baquedano-L—pez, P., & Alvarez, H. (2001). Literacy as hybridity: Moving beyond bilingualism in urban classrooms. In M. de la Luz Reyes & J. J. Halc—n (Eds.), The best of our children: Critical perspectives on literacy for Latino students (pp. 122-141). New York, NY: Teachers College


After School Project Spring 05  (powerpoint)


No Meeting due to Cross-site Video Seminar on 9/26




The Use of Gestures in Communicating mathematics


Leslie Kahn


Roth, W. M. and Lawless, D. (2002). Science, culture, and the emergence of language. Science Education, 86 (3), 368-385.


Yackel, E. and Cobb, P. (1996). Sociomathematical norms, argumentation,and autonomy in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 27(4), 458-477.



Understanding Vygotsky and discourse in the classroom


Anthony Fernandes


Wertsch, J. & Toma, C. (1995). Discourse and Learning in the classroom: A sociocultural

Approach. In L. Steffe & J. Gale (Eds.) Constructivism in Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum  



Lesson-Study: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives


Cynthia Anhalt


Fernandez, C. (2002). Learning from Japanese approaches to professional development: A case study of lesson study.  Journal of Teacher Education,

(53)(5), 393-405.


Takahashi, A. & Yoshida, M. (2004). Ideas for Establishing Lesson-Study

Communities.  Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(9), 436-443. 


No meeting due to Cross-site Video Seminar on 10/17



Research on Teacher Education: The Teacher Study Group


Laura Kondek


Ball, D. L., Lubienski, S. T., & Mewborn, D. S. (2001). Research on teaching mathematics: The unsolved problem of teachersÕ mathematical knowledge. In V. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook on research on teaching (pp. 433-456). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.


Warfield, J., Wood, T. & Lehman, J. D. (2005). Autonomy, beliefs and the learning of elementary mathematics teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21, 439-456.


The use of peer networks and biliteracy in two settings: A dialogic



Maura Varley & Javier D’ez-Palomar

Flecha, J. & G—mez, R. (2004). Participatory paradigms: Researching ÔwithÕ rather than ÔonÕ. In B. Crossan, J. Gallacher & M. Osborne (Eds.),

Researching Widening Access: Issues and approaches in an international

Context (pp. 129-140). London, UK: Routledge.


Long, S., Bell, D., & Brown, J. (2004). Making a place for peer interaction: Mexican American kindergarteners learning language and literacy. In E. Gregory, S. Long, & D. Volk, Many pathways to literacy: Young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers (pp. 93-104). London, UK: Routledge.


Parents learning mathematics


Jesœs Acosta & Aisha Najera

PŽrez Carre—n, G., Drake, C., & Calabrese Barton, A. (2005). The importance of presence: Immigrant parentsÕ school engagement experiences. American Educational Research Journal, 42 (3), 465-498.


Expanding the participation metaphor: What is the development of mathematical practice?


Karen King

(Michigan State University)

Abstract: This presentation explores an extension of the theoretical perspective of the participation metaphor as outlined by Sfard (1998) to research on undergraduate mathematics education. In particular, by building on the work of Burton (2004) in describing mathematicians' practices, this presentation puts forward for critique a theoretical argument for learning mathematics in undergraduate years as moving closer to the center of the community of practice of research mathematicians. The presentation outlines the elaboration of this theory and explores implications for further research and practice.






Lesson study and advanced mathematical thinking


Gabriela Dumitrascu

Harel, G. & Sowder, L. (2005). Advanced mathematical-thinking at any age: Its nature and its development. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 7(1), 27-50


TeachersÕ role in promoting student thinking


Heather Cavell

Chamberlin, M. T. (2005). TeachersÕ Discussions Of StudentsÕ Thinking: Meeting The Challenge Of Attending To StudentsÕ Thinking. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 8(2), 141-170.


Fraivillig, J., Murphy, L., & Fuson, K. (1999). Advancing Children's Mathematical Thinking in Everyday Mathematics Classrooms. Journal for Reseach in Mathematics Education, 30(2), 148-170.