Marta Civil - |
of Mathematics - University of Arizona
MATH 596a - Seminar on Research in
Education: Culture and Mathematics
Course Description
Thursdays from 4:15 to 6:45 p.m.
Math East 141
Marta Civil 621-6873
The main theme of this seminar will be a socio-cultural approach to mathematics education. Our aim will be to discuss research that looks at cultural, social, and political issues in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
• Overview of learning
in mathematics, with particular emphasis on “the social.”
• Ethnomathematics
• In-school mathematics
and out-of-school mathematics
• Culture / language and
mathematics education
• Social class and
• The culture of the
issues of participation; who has a voice?
To ensure the flavor of
seminar, students’ participation is crucial. Students need to
to class prepared, which in most cases will mean that they have read
carefully reflected upon the articles handed out for discussion.
There will be three main “activities” in this seminar:
a) Class participation
obvious evidence that you have read the articles). You will take turns
in facilitating class discussion of specific topics.
b) Miscellaneous homework
assignments (e.g., written responses to questions about the articles).
c) Research paper on a
of your interest. This paper will include a critical review of the
and, if appropriate, a small empirical research component.
Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites for this course. It is intended for graduate students who have a specific interest in mathematics education research either for their major or minor. I am hoping that the class will have a wide range of backgrounds and experiences with students from the Mathematics Department as well as from the College of Education (in particular, from Language, Reading and Culture, and from Teaching and Teacher Education).
Texts: We will rely mostly on a package of readings from leading journals in the field and from books. Here are a few of the sources:
Abreu, G. de, Bishop,
& Presmeg, N. C. (Eds.). (2002). Transitions
between contexts of mathematical
practices. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Adler, J. (2001). Teaching
mathematics in multilingual classrooms. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Kluwer.
Ascher, M. (1991).
A multicultural view of mathematical ideas. New York, NY:
Chapman &
Atweh, B., Forgasz, H.,
& Nebres, B. (Eds.). (2001). Sociocultural
research on mathematics
education: An international perspective. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Baker, D., Clay, J., &
Fox, C. (1996). Challenging ways of
knowing in English, maths and science.
Bristol, PA: Falmer Press.
Bishop, A. (1991). Mathematical
enculturation: A cultural perspective on mathematics education.
The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Boaler, J. (Ed.) (2000).
Multiple perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning.
Westport, CT:
Cooper, B. & Dunne,
M. (2000). Assessing children’s
mathematical knowledge: Social class, sex
and problem solving. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.
Dowling, P. (1998).
sociology of mathematics education: Mathematical myths / pedagogic
Bristol, PA: Falmer Press.
Lerman, S. (Ed.). (1994). Cultural perspectives on the mathematics
classroom. Dordrecht, The
Martin, D. B. (2000).
success and failure among African-American youth: The roles of
context, community forces, school influence, and individual agency.
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
National Council of
of Mathematics (1999-2002; different editors): the series of six books
on Changing the Faces of Mathematics.
Reston, VA: NCTM
Powell, A. &
M. (1997). Ethnomathematics:
Challenging Eurocentrism in mathematics
Albany, NY: SUNY.
Topic / Readings | ||
Jan 16 |
/Course Overview |
Jan 23 |
Abreu, G. (1995). Understanding how children experience the
between home and school mathematics. Mind,Culture and Activity,2(2),119-142. Bishop, A. (1988). Mathematics education in its cultural context. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 19, 179-191. |
Jan 30 | Ethnomathematics Knijnik, G. (1993). An ethnomathematical approach in mathematical education: A matter of political power. For the Learning of Mathematics, 13(2), 23-25. Masingila, J. (1994). Mathematics practice in carpet laying. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 25(4), 430-462. Presmeg, N. (1998). Ethnomathematics in teacher education. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1(3). [ONLINE- Library] |
Feb 6 |
Class/ Reform / Assessment Boaler, J. (2002). Learning from teaching: Exploring the relationship between reform curriculum and equity. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 33, 239-25. Theule-Lubienski, S. (2000). Problem solving as a means toward mathematics for all: An exploratory look through a class lens. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31, 454-482. Schoenfeld, A. (2002). Making mathematics work for all children: Issues of standards, testing, and equity. Educational Researcher, 31(1), 13-25. |
Feb 13 |
Pedagogy/ Social Justice/Curriculum implications Gutstein, E. (2003). Teaching and learning mathematics for social justice in an urban, Latino school. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 34, 37-73. Frankenstein, M. & Powell, A. (1994). Toward liberatory mathematics: Paulo Freire’s epistemology and ethnomathematics. In P. McLaren & C. Lankshear (Eds.), Politics of liberation: Paths from Freire (pp. 74-99). London: Routledge. Frankenstein, M. (1997). In addition to the mathematics: Including equity issues in the curriculum. In J. Trentacosta (Ed.), Multicultural and gender equity in the mathematics classroom: The gift of diversity—1997 Yearbook (10-22). Reston, VA: NCTM. |
Feb 20 |
Math Ed
- Feb 20-22 Reports on your current research / research interests Looking at Culturally based curriculum / social justice curriculum |
Feb 27 |
Comparisons/ TIMSS – related Stigler, J. & Hiebert, J. (1999). Teaching is a cultural activity--Chapter 6 from The teaching gap: Best ideas from the world’s teachers for improving education in the classroom. New York, NY: The Free Press (85-101). Jacobs, J., Yoshida, M., Stigler, J., & Fernandez, C. (1997). Japanese and American teachers' evaluations of mathematics lessons: A new technique for exploring beliefs. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 16(1), 7-24. [ONLINE – Library] Ma, L. (1999). Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum (Chapters 4 & 5) |
March 6 |
Discourse / Interactions / Participation
Forman, E. (1996). Participation in classroom practice: Implications of sociocultural theory for educational reform. In L. Steffe, P. Nesher, P.Cobb, G. Golding, B. Greer (Eds.), Theories of mathematical learning (115-130). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Wood, T. (1994). Patterns of interaction and the culture of mathematics classrooms. In S. Lerman (Ed.) Cultural perspectives on the mathematics classroom (149-168). Boston: Kluwer. Civil, M. (2002). Everyday mathematics, mathematicians’ mathematics, and school mathematics: Can we bring them together? In B. Brenner & J. Moschkovich (Eds.), Everyday and academic mathematics in the classroom (40-62). Reston, VA: NCTM. Zevenbergen, R. (2001). Mathematics, social class, and linguistic capital: An analysis of mathematics classroom interactions. In B. Atweh, H Forgasz, & B. Nebres (Eds.), Sociocultural research on mathematics education: An international perspective (201-215). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum |
March 13 |
/ bilingual contexts and Mathematics
Licón Khisty, L. (1997). Making mathematics accessible to Latino students: Rethinking instructional practice. In J. Trentacosta (Ed.), Multicultural and gender equity in the mathematics classroom: The gift of diversity—1997 Yearbook (192-101)). Reston, VA: NCTM. Moschkovich, J. (2002). A Situated and
Sociocultural Perspective on
Mathematics Learners. Mathematical
Thinking and Learning, 4
(ONLINE - Library) |
March 20 |
March 27 |
of Knowledge – Project Bridge
Civil, M. & Andrade, R. (2002).
Transitions between home and school
mathematics: Rays of hope amidst the passing clouds. In G. De
A. Bishop, & N. Presmeg (Eds.), Transitions
between contexts of
practices (pp.149-169). Boston: Kluwer. |
April 3 |
Burton, L. (1999). The practices of
mathematicians: what do they tell
about coming to know mathematics? Educational
Studies in Mathematics, 37
(2), 121-143. ONLINE Burton, L. & Morgan, C. (2000).
Mathematicians writing. Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education, 31(4), 429-453. |
April 10 |
Gender Equity Boaler, J. (2002).
the price for “sugar and spice”: Shifting the analytical lens in equity
research. Mathematical
Thinking and Learning, 2
127-144. Becker, J. R. (1995).
ways of knowing in mathematics. In P. Rogers & G. Kaiser (Eds.), Equity
in mathematics education: Influences of feminism and culture (163-174).
Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press. |
April 17 |
/ political issues (Race, Ethnicity, Class)
Tate, W., & Rousseau, C. (2002).
Access and opportunity: The
political and social context of mathematics education. In L. English
(Ed.), Handbook of international reseach in mathematics
education (271-299).
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Zevenbergen, R. (1996). Constructivism as a
liberal bourgeois
discourse. Educational Studies
Mathematics, 31, 95-113. |
April 24 |
[AERA conference] Working on course projects | ||
May 1 |
and Mathematics Education
De Abreu, G., Cline, T., & Shamsi,
T. (2002). Exploring ways
parents participate in their children’s school mathematical learning:
studies in multiethnic primary schools. In G. De Abreu, A.
& N. Presmeg (Eds.), Transitions
between contexts of mathematical
(123-147). Boston, MA: Kluwer. |
May 8/15 |
Projects due; presentations. |
Email: Marta Civil
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