9/17/2024 last update

Math home page http://math.arizona.edu        


           Debra Wood Homepage

                        Current semester: Fall 2024

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: http://math.arizona.edu/~people-photos/dlwood_color_150x210.jpg 

 Math 120 and 129 use UAccess to join the class.

  All needed information is found in D2L class site.




















Meeting Math 129


Math 129-01

Bio W 301

Meeting Math129

Math 129-01

Bio W 301


Math 129-01

Bio W 301



Math 120R-08

Math 401

Math 120R-08

Math 401

Math 120R-08

Math 401

Math 120R-08

Math 401

Math 120R-08

Math 401



Office Hour

Math 508



Office Hour

Math building 508

1:00 – 2:00

Meeting TA(?)

Office Hour

Math 508






Meeting M 129







3:30 – 4:15


Meeting? (Department)




4:00 -4:30

Meeting? (Instr)



















Office: Mathematics building room 508  http://map.arizona.edu/


Phone Number: 520 626-8263               E-mail address:  dlwood@arizona.edu

Fax Number: 520-621-8322


Teaching Schedule and Office Hours:  White spaces are available for appointments.

You may see me during office hours or at other times by making an appointment.

White spaces usually mean I am in my office; so I am available for appointments.  Call my office to see if I am in, is making an appointment.








Help is available:  Click here for tutoring information

AllSums for TI-Nspire

I think I found a place to download a program for TI Nspire that is like the ALLSUMS program for the TI83. It is the attachment at the bottom of this link https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tinspire/uQwpDvyxFVw labelled RAM.tns

Math help  plus1


Formulas you should know.

Line of best fit

    Line of Best fit (needed for a worksheet 9)

           TI 82,83,84   


Log Properties

Trig  Properities 1 and Properties 2

Summary of Limits

Drill work for derivative

            Other skills test for derivative.

            Rules of derivative

            Review of integral (updated 2/4)


Integral table for Math 129

Practicing integrals from Math 129  before going on to Math 223

  The scans will be updated, when we get back on campus.

Review Chapter 6a

Review Chapter 6b

Review Chapter 7

Other Websites links: 

  U of A:    UA Math Departments Homepage 

       Algebra and Trig Review

Michigan website:   http://prep.math.lsa.umich.edu/pmc/

                         Pdf file click here                                                                                        

Code of Academic Integrity

Orientation power point slide

Taylor’s video ( needs quicktime)