Course schedule

Reading Homework/Rlab Individual Research Project (IRP) Final Project

Week Tuesday Topics Thursday Topics
1 01/17 01/19 What will this class be like?
What are spatio-temporal data?
2 01/24 SDS Ch. 1, 10.2
data manipulation + visualization
01/26 SDS Ch. 2, 3
(asynchronous video)
Rmakrdown and submitting Rlabs
Rlab 1: data manipulation + visualization (due: 2/3 11:59pm)
3 01/31 SDS Ch. 8
IRP: Demo 1
spatial data: continuous index
02/02 SDS 10.2, 12–12.3
IRP: Demo 2
Gaussian processes (shinyapp)
spatial data: continuous index
4 02/07 SDS 12.4–12.5
spatial data: continuous index
02/09 SDS 12.6–12.7
spatial data: continuous index
Guest lecture: Tim Assal on wildfire burn severity in Chile
5 02/14 An online intro to GAMs, SDS 10.5
spatial data: generalized additive models (GAMs)
02/16 Section 2 of Burn severity controls on postfire Araucaria‐Nothofagus…
Rlab 2: continuous, fixed spatial index
(due: 2/24 11:59pm)
6 02/21 SDS 14-14.6
spatial data: discrete index
02/23 SDS 15-15.1 and Simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) model
spatial data: discrete index
7 02/28 SDS Ch. 16–‘IID and CAR random effects with hglm’
spatial data: discrete index
‘Guest’ lecture: Dr. Scharf
due: wave 1 IRPs
03/02 2. Reading, Writing and Converting Simple Features vignette from sf github page
Rlab 3: discrete, fixed spatial index (due: 3/10 11:59pm)
8 03/07 ASDAR: 7–7.4.2 (p. 173-184)
spatial data: point process
due: wave 1 reviews
03/09 ASDAR: 7.4.3–7.4.5 (p. 184–192)
spatial data: point process
9 03/14 ASDAR: 7.5–7.5.3 (p. 192–202)
Guest lecture: TBD
due: wave 2 IRPs
03/16 spend time looking for Group Project dataset
Rlab 4: Random spatial index (point process) (due: 3/24 11:59pm)
10 03/21 Henry sick :(
due: wave 2 reviews
03/23 Henry sick :(
11 03/28 spring break 03/30 spring break
12 04/04 (REVIEW) ASDAR: 7.5–7.5.3
spatial data: non-Gaussian responses
Exploration (due: 4/5 11:59pm)
04/06 NY Times on the Squirrel Census
spatial data: non-Gaussian responses
due: wave 3 IRPs
[15 minutes for Group Projects]
13 04/11 Wikipedia article on the Beta distribution: top-1.2; 2.2.1
spatial data: non-Gaussian responses
Proposal (due: 4/12 11:59pm)
[15 minutes for Group Projects]
04/13 SDS Ch. 7.4–Example: Bristol origin-destination datacube
checkin meetings (due: 4/13–4/17)
Rlab 5: non-Gaussian spatial data (due: 4/21 11:59pm)
14 04/18 Intro to sftime
spatio-temporal: working with data, visualization, basic analyses
due: wave 3 reviews
[15 minutes for Group Projects]
04/20 STSR p. 1–10; 14–15; 137–147
spatio-temporal: variograms, covariance functions
[15 minutes for Group Projects]
15 04/25 STSR p. 154-167
spatio-temporal: GAMs, non-Gaussian responses
[15 minutes for Group Projects]
04/27 Daniel Larremore Workshop #4: Giving a Talk
Golden Donuts
End of semester course survey
Rlab 6: spatio-temporal data (ungraded)
16 05/02 presentations:
Group A
Group B
Group C
05/04 presentations:
Group D
Group E
Group F
17 05/09 due: final project reports (5/9 11:59pm) 05/11 no final