Mathematics 466
Theory of Statistics
Spring 2008
Resource Page
R Manuals and Guides
Downloads and web interfaces
- The R
Project for Statistical Computing. R, free
statistical analysis package developed by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka,
is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It
is a GNU project which is similar to the
S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories
(formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and
colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S.
- General Rweb
Interface. Rweb is a Web based interface to
R that takes the submitted code, runs R on the code (in batch mode), and
returns the output (printed and graphical).
Probability and Statistics by
Morris H. DeGroot and Mark J. Schervish
- Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, 6th Edition by Robert V. Hogg, Allen Craig, and Joseph W. McKean
- Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis by John A. Rice
On-line Resources