* Important dates
- <2019-02-25 Mon> make-up class
- <2019-02-27 Wed> no class
- <2019-03-01 Fri> no class
- <2019-03-18 Mon> make-up class??? (cancelled)
- <2019-04-10 Wed> U2 Can UQ Workshop in ENR2-S395
- <2019-04-15 Mon> make-up class
- <2019-04-22 Mon> make-up class
- <2019-04-29 Mon> presentations (make-up)
- <2019-05-01 Wed> presentations (until 2pm)
- <2019-04-15 Mon> Make-up class at 1215 in Math 501
* Project presentations
- +Most likely during finals week.+
- +Tentatively May 8, but earlier if possible.+
* No class on these dates:
- Feb: <2019-02-13 Wed> and <2019-02-15 Fri>.
- March: maybe definitely <2019-02-27 Wed>, definitely <2019-03-01 Fri>.
- Make-ups: TBA, most likely on Mondays.
* <2019-01-11 Fri> Lec 2
1. Read Ch 2.3.1 of [RK]. See 2.2 if you are curious about (pseudo)random number generation.
2. Notes posted on <2019-01-13 Sun>.
* <2019-01-09 Wed> Lec 1
1. Diaconis example and my implementation of it.
2. See [S] and references for more on the Ising model.
3. Read Ch 1 of [RK], up to 1.10, if you'd like a refresher on probability.
4. Notes have been posted.