Select papers on Tomography
L. Kunyansky, E. McDugald and B. Shearer
Weighted Radon transforms of vector fields, with
applications to magnetoacoustoelectric
Inverse Problems 39 2023, 065014
M. Agranovsky and L. Kunyansky
On the exactness of the universal backprojection formula
for the spherical means Radon transform
Inverse Problems 39 2023, 035002
Preprint: Arxiv
J. Kang, C. Huang, C. Perkins, A. Alvarez, L. Kunyansky, R. S. Witte and M. O’Donnell
Current Source Density Imaging Using Regularized Inversion of Acoustoelectric Signals
IEEE. Trens. Med. Imag. 42 (3) 2023, pp. 739-49
IEEE Xplore
M. Eller and L. Kunyansky
Parametrix for the inverse source problem of thermoacoustic tomography with reduced data
Inverse Problems 37(4), 2021, 045003
Preprint: pdf
M. Eller, P. Hoskins, and L. Kunyansky
Microlocally accurate solution of the inverse source problem of thermoacoustic tomography
Inverse Problems 36(8), 2020, 094004
Preprint: pdf or
N. Do and L. Kunyansky
Theoretically exact photoacoustic reconstruction from
spatially and temporally reduced data
Inverse Problems 34(9), 2018, 094004
Preprint: pdf or
ArXiv: 1806.08412v1 [math:AP]
F. Terzioglu, P. Kuchment, and L. Kunyansky
Compton camera imaging and the cone transform: a brief overview
Inverse Problems 34(5), 2018, 054002
L Kunyansky, C P Ingram and R S Witte
Rotational magneto-acousto-electric tomography (MAET): theory and experimental validation
Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(8), 2017, pp. 3025–3050
pdf for those without access to IOP
L. V. Nguyen and L. Kunyansky
A dissipative time reversal technique for photo-acoustic
tomography in à cavity
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9(2), 2016, pp. 748–769
pdf or
ArXiv: 1507.01324[math:AP]
L. Kunyansky
Inversion of the spherical means transform in corner-like domains
by reduction to the classical Radon transform
Inverse Problems 31, 2015, 095001.
Preprint: pdf or
ArXiv: 1502.02640v3 [math:AP]
B. Holman and L. Kunyansky
Gradual time reversal in thermo- and photo- acoustic
tomography within a resonant cavity
Inverse Problems 31, 2015, 035008.
IOP or
G. Ambartsoumian and L. Kunyansky
Exterior/interior problem for the circular
means transform with applications to
intravascular imaging
Inverse Problems and Imaging 8, No. 2, 2014, pp. 339-359.
L. Kunyansky, B. Holman and B. T. Cox
Photoacoustic tomography in a rectangular reflecting cavity
Inverse Problems 29, 2013, 125010.
open access
L. Kunyansky
A mathematical model and inversion procedure
for Magneto-Acousto-Electric Tomography (MAET)
Inverse Problems 28, 2012, 035002.
L. Kunyansky
Fast reconstruction algorithms for the thermoacoustic tomography
in certain domains with cylindrical or spherical symmetries
Inverse Problems and Imaging, 6, No 1, 2012, pp. 111-131.
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
2D and 3D reconstructions in acousto-electric tomography
Inverse Problems 27, 2011, 055013.
L. Kunyansky
Reconstruction of a function from its spherical (circular) means
with the centers lying on the surface of certain polygons and polyhedra
Inverse Problems 27, 2011, 025012.
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
Mathematics of Photoacoustic and Thermoacoustic Tomography
Chapter 19, Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, Springer, 2011, pp. 819-865.
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
Synthetic focusing in ultrasound modulated tomography
Inverse Problems and Imaging, 4 (4) 2010, pp. 655-673.
M. Agranovsky, P. Kuchment, L. Kunyansky
On reconstruction formulas and algorithms for the thermoacoustic tomography:
Chapter 8 in Photoacoustic imaging and spectroscopy L.H.Wang (Editor), CRC Press 2009, pp 89-101.
Proofs: pdf
L. Kunyansky
Thermoacoustic tomography with detectors on an open curve:
an efficient reconstruction algorithm
(Inverse Problems 24 No 5 (October), (2008))
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
A Survey in Mathematics for Industry:
Mathematics of thermoacoustic tomography
(Euro. Jnl of Applied Mathematics 19 (2008) pp. 191–224)
L. Kunyansky
A series solution and a fast algorithm
for the inversion of the spherical mean Radon transform
(Inverse Problems, 23 (2007) pp. s11-s200 )
L. Kunyansky
Explicit inversion formulas for the spherical mean Radon transform
(Inverse Problems , 23 (2007), pp. 373-383.)
Leonid A. Kunyansky
Inversion of the 3D exponential parallel-beam
transform and the Radon transform with
angle-dependent attenuation
(Inverse Problems, 20 (2004) pp. 1455–1478 )
J-P. Guillement, F. Jauberteau, L. Kunyansky, R. Novikov, and R.
On SPECT imaging based on an exact formula for the nonuniform
atenuation correction
(Inverse Problems, 18 (2002) pp. L11-L19)
Leonid A. Kunyansky
A new SPECT reconstruction algorithm based on the Novikov explicit
inversion formula
(Inverse Problems, 17 (2001) pp. 293-306)
Leonid A. Kunyansky
Analytic reconstruction algorithms in emission
tomography with variable attenuation
(J. of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (JCMSE), 1 , Issue 2s-3s (2001), pp. 267-286)
L. A. Kunyansky
Generalized and attenuated Radon transforms: restorative
approach to the numerical inversion
(Inverse Problems 8 (1992), pp. 809-819)
Select papers on Surface Scattering Problems
Oscar P. Bruno and Leonid A. Kunyansky
A Fast, High-Order Algorithm for the Solution of Surface Scattering
Basic Implementation, Tests and Applications
(J. Comp. Phys, 169 (2001) pp. 80-110.)
Leonid A. Kunyansky and Oscar P. Bruno
A Fast, High-Order Algorithm for the Solution of Surface Scattering
Problems II:
Theoretical Considerations
Oscar P. Bruno and Leonid A. Kunyansky
Surface Scattering in three dimensions: an accelerated high-order solver
(Proc. of Royal Society of London A, 457 (2001) pp. 2921-2934)
Leonid A. Kunyansky
Spectrally accurate Fourier methods
in problems of wave propagation
in inhomogeneous media.
Slide presentation.
Select papers on Photonic Crystals Theory
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
Differential operators on graphs and photonic crystals
(Advances in Computational Mathematics,
16 (2002), pp. 263-290.)
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
Spectral Properites of High Contrast Band-Gap Materials and Operators on Graphs
(Experimental Mathematics,
8:1 (1999), pp. 1-28.)
W. Axmann, P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky
Asymptotic methods for thin high-contrast two-dimensional PBG materials
(Journal of Lightwave Technology, 17, no 11 (1999) pp. 1996-2007)
Select papers of my students
B. Holman
A Second-order Finite Difference Scheme For The
Wave Equation on a Reduced Polar Grid, preprint (in preparation, do not read)