Math 313 — Introduction to linear algebra

This webpage contains my lecture notes for Math 313 at the University of Arizona.

Lecture notes

  1. Linear systems
  2. Linear systems and matrices
  3. Solvability of linear systems
  4. Parametric solutions of linear systems
  5. Linear transformations and their matrices
  6. Linear transformations in geometry
  7. Linear systems via linear transformations
  8. Linear independence
  9. Operations on matrices and linear transformations
  10. Invertible matrices
  11. Determinants
  12. Determinants as areas and volumes
  13. Vector spaces
  14. Spans and subspaces
  15. Null spaces, column spaces, and row spaces
  16. Bases of vector spaces
  17. Coordinate systems
  18. Linear transformations of vector spaces
  19. Polynomials and linear transformations
  20. The dimension of a vector space
  21. Change of basis
  22. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  23. The characteristic polynomial
  24. Diagonalization
  25. Dynamical systems and Markov chains
  26. Linear recurrences and differential equations
  27. Complex eigenvalues
  28. Eigenvectors and linear transformations
  29. Length and orthogonality of vectors
  30. Orthogonal sets
  31. Orthogonal projections
  32. Orthogonal complements
  33. The Gram-Schmidt process
  34. Reflections and projections via matrices
  35. Least squares problems
  36. Spectral theorem