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Nonlinear diffusion equations with discontinuities
We investigated the following non-linear discrete
diffusion equation on a lattice
ui(n + 1) = ui(n) + k Int[ui-1(n)] - 2 Int[ui(n)] + Int[ui+1(n)]![$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \mathrm{Int}[u_{i-1}(n)] - 2\,\mathrm{Int}[u_{i}(n)] + \mathrm{Int}[u_{i+1}(n)] }\right]$](img73.png) |
(A1) |
i, n
Int[x] denotes the greatest
integer that is less than or equal to x. This equation is a
reduction of a Frenkel-Kontorova model, and it arises in a physical
model for Charge-Density-Wave (CDW) systems. We
are particularly interested in the regime where k
Figure 3:
Dynamics of the model
Figure 3 shows the evolution of the variables ui on
three consecutive sites in a lattice consisting of 8 sites with
k = 3 x 10-2. The horizontal axis is the scaled time t = kn. The
arrows indicate a simultaneous change in the oscillation patterns. The
inset is a blowup of the area in the box.
As we show, and illustrate in Fig. 3,
the system has an interesting ``stick-slip'' behavior:
- If ui(n) is not close to an integer, the site ui is
``free'', i.e. the dynamics of ui is very similar to the dynamics
in the linear discrete diffusion equation
ui(n + 1) = ui(n) + k
ui-1(n) - 2ui(n) + ui+1(n)
- If ui(n) is close to an integer m, then ui can
become ``stuck'' for a time t = O(1) and oscillate while remaining
within O(k) of m. Also, consecutive sites can be stuck
simultaneously executing coherent periodic motions.
- For the ``stuck'' sites, the oscillation pattern (the
``microstructure'') can change at transitions which are ``nonlocal''
in that the behavior of a whole string of sites changes
simultaneously. Fig. 3 displays one such transition near
t = 10.5.
We obtained a continuous time limit of the system in
(A1) using the maximum principle for parabolic equations,
that is we showed convergence of the sequence of solutions as
0 and derived the appropriate
Homogenized equation.
Specifically, we show that by rescaling the discrete time index to get
a continuous time variable t = kn, the solutions ui(n) converge
uniformly as
0. We also derive the appropriate
dynamical equations for the limiting functions.
This motivates the following:
Problem 6
Continuous time limit: Consider the system of difference equations
ui(n + 1) = ui(n) + k fi-1(ui-1(n)) - 2fi(ui(n)) + fi+1(ui+1(n))![$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ f_{i-1}(u_{i-1}(n)) - 2 f_{i}(u_{i}(n)) +f_{i+1}(u_{i+1}(n)) }\right]$](img80.png) |
(A2) |
where each fi is a possibly discontinuous, nondecreasing
function. Show that, the scaled solutions
converge uniformly on compact intervals [0, T]. Also, formulate
appropriate dynamical equations for the limit functions.
Another interesting feature of this system is the transitions between
different kinds of ``microstructure'' (the oscillation patterns for
the stuck states). This naturally suggests the interesting question:
Problem 7
Equations of the form (A2) arise in distributed control
systems where the controllers are quantized and necessarily
Another importantr question is to characterize the various oscillation
patterns and the transitions that are observed in (A1), or
more generally in (A2). This is an example of a dynamical
system with an evolving microstructure.
Next: Fekete points and charge
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Previous: Blowup in Parabolic equations