Welcome to the home page of Business Math II
115B, Section 8)
Here are the final grades. The exam was
tough, so I curved it (quite significantly) and then used the grading
scale given in the course information.
Contact Information:
- Instructor:
Prof. Douglas Ulmer
- Office:
Math 716
- Phone:
- E-mail:
- Course Homepage:
Current Office Hours:
These may change so check here before stopping by.
- Monday 1-2
- Monday 4-5
- Thursday 3-4
- By appointment. Here is my current schedule.
Important Links:
Course Information and Policies:
- Attendance: Students are expected to attend every
scheduled class, and to be familiar with the University Class
Attendance policy as it appears in the General Catalog. It is
the student's responsibility to keep informed of any
announcements, syllabus adjustments or policy changes made
during scheduled classes. Students who are excessively
absent may be "administratively dropped" from the course to
make room for other students trying to get in. "Excessively"
means 2 days in a row or any 4 days during the semester.
- Exams: There will be two tests and a final
exam. The tests are scheduled for Monday, October 9 and
Monday, November 27 in class.
The University has scheduled the final exam for Friday,
December 15 from 2:00 - 4:00.
Exams cannot be given at any other time. If, for whatever
reason, a test is missed, the score for that test will be
replaced with the score on the corresponding part of the final
exam. A second missed test, or a missed final exam, will result
in a score of 0.
- Homework: Homework, an essential
component of the course, will be assigned and collected
regularly. Problems will be graded and a
final score equivalent to one test, 100 points, will be
Homework may be submitted by a single student or by any
collection of members of a group. Attaching your name to a
homework paper indicates that you contributed to solving and
writing up the problem
and that you understand all aspects of the solution.
For full credit, homework must be turned in at the beginning of
class on the day
it is due. Late homework will be accepted for grading until the
beginning of the next class meeting, but will earn only 50%
credit. Homework turned in later may be graded but will earn no
- Quizes: There may be occasional,
unannounced quizes on basic material. Points for these quizes
are "bonus" points, counted above and beyond the points for
other course work. Coming to class and taking these quizes
is thus always to the student's advantage.
- W's and I's: Students withdrawing from the course before
October 13 will receive the grade W if they are passing at the
time. Students will be considered to be passing at the time of
withdraw if they have scored at least 50% on the work completed
at that time.
The grade of I will be awarded only if all the following
conditions are met:
- The student has completed all but a small portion of the
required work.
- The student has scored at least 50% on the work completed.
- The student has a valid reason for not completing the course
on time.
- The student agrees to make up the material in a short period
of time.
- The student asks for the incomplete before
the final exam.
- Cheating: Any instance of dishonest work (which
includes turning in someone else's work with your name on it)
will be treated in accordance with the policies stated
in the General Academic Manual. Don't even think about it!
Douglas Ulmer
Dec 18, 2000