Scholarly Presentations
- Anhalt, C. Mathematics with a Visual Focus: Teaching for Understanding Elementary Mathematics, XI Congress of Latinamerican Bilingual Education for the Deaf, San Isidro,Lima, Perú, August 2012.
Anhalt, C. Mathematics and a Second Language: Teachers Share from Their Experiences, part of a symposium: Re-Imagining Mathematics Teaching Quality for K-12 ELL and Latin@ Students, Symposium panelists: Anhalt, C., Thompson, A., Celedon-Pattichis, S., Musanti, S., Aguirre, J., and Rosario-Zavala, M. Civil, M., Discussant. American Education Research Association (AERA), Division G, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2012.
Anhalt, C. Lessons Learened Through Lesson Study: Improving Mathematics Teaching for Middle School Latino Students. Symposium: Teacher Learning Communities as a Means to Advance the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as, Divisios K – Teaching &Teacher Education (R. Kitchen, S. Musanti, J. M. Menendez, M. Civil, S. Celedon-Pattichis, M. Marshall, G. Viego, C. Wiley, L. Khisty), Discussant: Rick Kitchen. American Education Research Association, San Deigo, CA, April 2009.
Anhalt, C. & Rodriguez, M. Uncovering Teachers’ Perspectives: Concerns for Latino Students and Mathematics Achievement, Symposium: Redefining Boundaries of Mathematics Teaching for Latina/o Youth: Examining Community, Multi-State, and Transnational Contexts, Division C – Learning & Instruction (J. Aguirre, R. Gutierrez, S. Musanti, J. M. Menendez, S. Celedon-Pattichis), Discussant: Sandra Crespo. American Education Research Association, San Deigo, CA, April 2009.
- Anhalt, C., Fernandes, A., & Civil, M. U.S. Latino Students’ Thinking and Communication on National Assessment Educational Progress (NEAP) Measurement Items, Eleventh International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME), TSG 33: Mathematics Education in a Multilingual and Multicultural Environment, Monterrey, MX, July 2008.
Anhalt, C. “FOCUS in the Common Core for Grades K-5 Mathematics,” Towards Greater Focus and Coherence: An Illustrative Mathematics Common Core National Conference, Institute of Mathematics & Education, Tucson, AZ, May 26-28, 2013.
- Anhalt, C., Panel Speaker: The MTE-Partnership: Rethinking secondary mathematics teacher education, Recruitment and Retention Research Action Cluster. Panel: W. Gary Martin, Chair, Auburn University, Jim Lewis, University of Nebraska, and Mike Mayes, University of Virginia. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) Critical Issues in Mathematics Education Workshop 2014: The Role of Mathematics Departments in the Mathematical Preparation of Teacher. UC Berkeley, March 2014.
Wiley, C. (Symposium Chair), Anhalt, C., Civil, M., Turner, E., Moschkovich, J., Thompson, A., Fernandez, A., Kahn, L., Lopez Leiva, C., Chval, K., Pinnow, R., Zahner, W., Kitchen, R, Celedon-Pattichis, S., Musanti, S. (Accepted Symposium Proposal), "Exploring Practices that Support the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics with English Language Learners." TODOS 2014 National Conference “Beyond Awareness: Equity, Access and Achievement for All” June 26-28, 2014, Chandler, AZ
Anhalt, C. & Cortez, R., Mathematical Modeling: Secondary Teacher Preparation in the Era of Common Core, Association of Mathematics Teacher Education Annual Conference, Irvine, CA, February 2014.
Anhalt, C., Criteria for Designing Rich High School Modeling Problems, Scientific Symposium, funding provided by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Mathematical Modeling in Context, Ricardo Cortez (Tulane University), Chair. Panel speakers: Cynthia Anhalt (University of Arizona), Eric Hsu (San Francisco State University) Christina Villalobos (University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX), Renee Salinas (Appalachian State University, NC), Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, San Antonio, TX, October 2013.
Anhalt, C., Chair, Professional Development Session: Mathematics + Mathematics Education Research = A Partnership for a Better Education. Panel speakers: Ricardo Cortez (Tulane University), Hortensia Sota-Johnson (University of Northern Colorado), Minerva Cordero-Epperson (University of TX Arlington), Alfinio Flores (University of Delaware), Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, San Antonio, TX, October 2013.
Anhalt, C. & Sutton, T. Using the Intel Math® Course to Train and Support K-8 Mathematics Specialists, Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), San Diego, CA, January 2013.
Fernandez, M. & Anhalt, C. Recruitment Strategies and STEM Undergraduates’ Decisions to Become a Mathematics Teacher, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), Orlando, FL, January 2013.
Anhalt, C, & Crespo, Sandra. Developing Their Mathematical Voices: Students Write Letters To Preservice Teachers About Mathematical Ideas Scientific Symposium, Mathematics Teaching That Matters: Re-focusing Teacher Attention To Mathematics Education Needs Of Our Students, Communities and Families, Research in Mathematics Education, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, Seattle, WA, October 2012.
Anhalt, C. Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Language Development: Expectations from the CCSSM, CEMELA 2012 Research Retreat, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 2012.
Eli, J., Anhalt, C., Fernandez, M., & Wilson, P. Building Reflective Secondary Preservice Teachers: A Co-constructed Triad of Collaboration. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Dallas Ft. Worth, TX, February 2012.
Anhalt, C., Eli, J., & Cuprak, J. Mentoring student teachers: Co-constructing a professional relationship. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April 2011.
Anhalt, C. Beyond Computation: Interview with elementary Mexican-American student s on their understanding of mathematics assessment items. Symposium: Mathematics Learning and Identity as Latinos/as: Our Mathematics, Our Future. Chairs: J. Aguirre & S. Celedón-Pattichis. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native American in Science National Conference, Anaheim, CA, Sept. 2010.
Anhalt, C., Cuprak, J., & Eli, J. Making Connections: Long Division of Whole Numbers and Algebraic Expressions. Natioanl Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference, April 21-24, 2010, SD, CA.
Lynch, M., Milou, E., Asturias, H., & Anhalt, C. (2010). Using Reflection Guides for Professional Development, Professional Development Service Committee, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference, April 21-24, 2010, SD, CA.
Anhalt, C., & Fernandes, A. (2010). Beyond multiple choice: Task-based interviews with Mexican-American students on NAEP Assesment Items. CEMELA-TODOS-CPTM Conference, March 4-7, 2010.
Anhalt, C., & Ondrus, M. (2010). Professional development for mathematics teachers of Latino/a students: Teaching area and perimeter with algebra blocks. Poster presentation, CEMELA-TODOS-CPTM Conference, March 4-7, 2010.
Fernandes, A., Anhalt, C., & Civil, M. Exploring Latino students’ thinking on NAEP measurement problems, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Presession, Washington D.C., April 2009.
- Fernandes, A., Anhalt, C., & Civil, M. Equity through assessment: Task-based interviews with Latino students, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2009.
Anhalt, C. (Chair), Teacher Panel: Baker, D., Collingwood, C., Livio-Velez, P., Murray, D., & Takagi, J. Mentoring the Next Generation of Teachers, Mathematics Educators Appreciation Day (MEAD) Conference, January 25, 2014
Anhalt, C., Focus in the Common Core for Grades K-5 Mathematics, Dysart School District, Surprise, AZ, October 2013.
Anhalt, C., CCSSM: Number & Operations in Base Ten: Multiplication Grades 3-5, Dysart School District, Surprise, AZ, October 2013.
Anhalt, C., CCSSM: Fraction in Grades 3-5, Dysart School District, Surprize, AZ, October 2013.
Anhalt, C. K-8 Teachers Engaged in Algebraic Thinking: Modeling for Learning, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 2011.
- Anhalt, C. & Liston, J. Teaching Through Letters: Pen Pal Project. Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference, Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges, MAA Joint Conference. Tucson, AZ, March 2012.
- Anhalt, C., Mathematical Modeling in Secondary Teacher Preparation, MATH 396C, Undergraduate Research Seminar, Invited by Moysey Brio, April 2014
Anhalt, C. Exploring the Common Core State Standards: Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering. Invited talk for an NSF funded Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education Institute, June 17, 2013
Anhalt, C. Research in Mathematics Education, Mathematics Department Undergraduate Research Seminar,
MATH 396C. Invited talk, Moysey Brio, April 2013
Anhalt, C. Infusing Common Core State Standards in the Preparation of Secondary Mathematics Teachers, invited talk at the Professional Preparation Board (school district superintendents, administrators, College of Education dean and associate dean, community college representatives), February 2013
Anhalt, C. Origami Cubes. “Who Needs Math Anyway?” Tucson Unified School District Title I Parent Workshop, September 2012
Anhalt, C. Expectations from the Common Core State Standards in Number and Operation, University of Arizona South elementary mathematics methods guest instructor, October 2012
Anhalt, C. K-12 Mathematics Teacher Preparation. UA G-K-12-Teams, Graduate STEM fellows in education, Institute of Mathematics and Education (IM&E), The University of AZ, Dept. of Mathematics, October 2012.
Anhalt, C. Mathematics Teacher Preparation: Local and Global Contexts. UA G-K-12-Teams, Graduate STEM fellows in K-12 education, Institute of Mathematics and Education (IM&E), The University of AZ, Dept. of Mathematics, March 2012
Anhalt, C. Teaching Mathematics to English Learners: Modeling for Success in the Common Core Era,Professional Development for 80+ Teachers, UA Science & Technology Park, Transitions to Teaching U.S. Dept. of Education Grant, local plus 5 remote sites via iTV: Nogales, Sierra Vista, Benson, Douglass, San Simon, February 2012
McCormick, R., Fonseca, J., Anhalt, C., Burdick, J., Montiel, M., Etsitty, R., & Williams, J. Algebra Academy: Helping Students Rocket to Success, Mathematics Educator Appreciation Day (MEAD) Conference, Center for Recruitment & Retention (CRR), Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, January 2012
Anhalt, C. & Sutton, T. Intel Math, Mathematics Instructional Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Sept. 2011
Anhalt, C. Using algebra blocks for teaching middle school mathematics: Exploring a variety of topics, Institute for Mathematics and Education (IM & E), Tucson Teachers’ Circle, Dept. of Mathematics, University of AZ, Nov. 2009