Math 583A -- Principles and Methods of Applied Mathematics
Fall 2011
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Office: Math 619
Course web page (this page): Office hours: see here Super TA: Stuart Kent
Here is the official course policy (last revised Mon 01/23/12).
- Homework 8 (last revised Sat 12/03/11)
- Homework 7 (last revised Wed 11/30/11)
- Homework 6 (last revised Mon 11/14/11)
- Homework 5 (last revised Wed 10/26/11)
- Homework 4 (last revised Wed 10/12/11)
- Homework 3 (last revised Thu 09/22/11)
- Homework 2 (last revised Thu 09/15/11)
- Homework 1 (last revised Tue 09/20/11)
Suggested References
- Mauch, Introduction to Methods of Applied
Mathematics. This
free e-book covers most of the topics we will
touch on in this course, and then some.
Phase plane analysis
- Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos.
Standard text on the subject. Very readable, with lots
of examples and applications.
- Devaney, Hirsch, and Smale, Differential
Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to
Chaos. A more rigorous treatment of some of the
same topics, and more.
Complex variables
- Ahlfors, Complex Analysis. This is a classic
in the subject. I like it as for the basic theory, though
there is relatively little emphasis on integration
- Ablowitz and Fokas, Complex Variables. This
is a very nice book that covers a big range of topics.
Also has many good examples and problems.
- There are substantive chapters in the Mauch book (see
above) that deal with complex variables.
Fourier series and transforms: theory + applications
- Strauss, Partial Differential Equations: An
Introduction. The part most relevant to us is Ch 5,
which contains a good exposition of basic Fourier theory
and applications to PDEs (complete with exercises). Many
of the type of problems we're interested in can also be
solved by separation of variables; this is explained in
Ch 4, which I encourage you to read.
- Haberman, Applied Partial Differential
Equations. I don't know this book well, but I'm
told it's quite readable and has a large number of
exercises and examples.
- The Mauch book cited above has chapters on Fourier
theory. However, it does not seem to say much about
convergence issues, which are important in certain
applications, e.g., signal processing and numerical
solutions of PDEs. For these topics, please see our
course notes. (I don't know of a good
undergraduate-level text on harmonic analysis; if you
know of one, please let me know.)
- Adams and Guillemin, Measure Theory and
Probability. A careful exposition of measure theory
and L^2 (Hilbert space) Fourier theory, covering both
Fourier series and transforms. For the
theoretically-inclined, this is a good place to go
for a more careful explanation of the Hilbert space view
of Fourier series and transforms. No use of
distributions, though, nor does it touch on pointwise
convergence or L^p convergence for p != 2.
Real analysis
- Course notes for 527. Non-applied math
students: you may still be able to get a copy from the
bookstore, or try to borrow one from someone in our
- Basic topics (continuity, uniform convergence, etc):
see any text on mathematical analysis on the
undergraduate level. Two examples: Rudin, Principles
of Mathematical Analysis or Apostol, Mathematical
- For more advanced topics (e.g., L^p spaces):
see Folland, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and
Their Applications
This calendar is subject to change. Check back frequently.

This page was last updated on September 16, 2018.