Math 485 -- Mathematical Modeling
Math 485 Sect. 2, Spring 2008
Time: TR 2:00-3:15 pmPlace: Psych 207
Course web page:
Instructor: Kevin Lin
Office: Math 619
Phone: 626-6628
Office Hours: MW 9:30 - 11:00 am
We will follow course notes by Joceline Lega. The notes should be available at the bookstore. In addition, I will give reading assignments from The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition (Longman, 1999) by W. Strunk and E. B. White.
Course Policy
Projects. Students will work in teams on a long-term project, worth 300 points. Each team will give oral progress reports on its project throughout the semester, will turn in a final written report, due on May 7, 2008, and will present a poster in a poster session held on Monday, May 12, 2008 from 3:00 to 5:30. The written part of the project will be worth 200 points and the oral and poster presentations will count for a total of 100 points.Homework and quizzes. Homework will be assigned and collected on weekly basis. In-class quizzes, based on homework assignments, will be given regularly. Homework and quiz scores account for 200 points.
Grades: The total number of points available on the project and homework is 500. Grades will be no lower than as listed below:
- 450 < points (90% to 100%): A
- 400 < points < 449 (80% to 90%): B
- 350 < points < 399 (70% to 80%): C
- 300 < points < 349 (60% to 70%): D
- points < 300 (0% to 60%): E
Academic Integrity. Students are responsible to be informed of University policies regarding the Code of Academic Integrity. Students found to be in violation of the Code are subject to sanctions that will be determined by the severity of the infraction. The Code of Academic Integrity will be enforced in all areas of the course, including projects, tests, and homework.
Students Who Require Reasonable Accommodations Based on Disability. Students planning to use accommodations for this course should privately identify themselves to their instructor within the first few days of class. These students must also provide the instructor with a letter of identification from the Disability Resource Center. This letter should include information about any accommodation that will be needed for the class, including accommodations for test taking. Students are also invited to discuss specific issues with the course instructor during regular office hours or by appointment.
Withdrawal Dates.
- Last day to drop courses resulting in deletion of course
enrollment from record: February 12, 2008.
- Withdrawal deadline (instructor's signature on a Change
of Schedule form is required): March 11, 2008. After this
date, a dean's approval is required for any schedule
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