Math 485 -- Mathematical Modeling
Papers cited in lectures and couse notes
Here are some links to papers cited in the course notes. It also lists papers used in lectures or homework assignments. I will add to this list over the course of the semester.
- M
Enserink, Rapid
Response Could Have Curbed Foot-and-Mouth Epidemic,
Science 294 (2001) pp 26-27
- I Farkas, D Helbing, T Vicsek, Social
behaviour: Mexican waves in an excitable medium, Nature
419 (2002) pp 131-132
- V
Gewin, Disease
control: Virtual plagues get
real, Nature 427 (2004) pp 774-775
- N Goldenfeld, L P Kadanoff, Simple
lessons from complexity, Science 284
(1999) pp 87-89
- R May, Uses
and abuses of mathematics in biology, Science 303
(2004) pp 790-793
How to read scientific papers
- Course
notes from
a speech
& hearing modeling course at MIT
See "Things to think about" on page 2. - A more detailed set of notes
on reading
scientific papers.
These notes are from Biochem / MCB 568 and concerns reading experimental papers. But, many of the issues are the same for modeling papers.
Fun papers
Some short, fun papers to read:
- F
Dyson, A
meeting with Enrico
Fermi, Nature 427 (2004) p 297
- R A J Matthews, Tumbling
toast, Murphy's Law and the fundamental constants,
Eur. J. Phys. 16 (1995) pp 172-176
- G I
Taylor, The
Formation of a Blast Wave by a Very Intense
Explosion. II. The Atomic Explosion of
1945, Proc. Royal Soc. London Ser. A 201
(1950) pp 175-186
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