Kevin K Lin

Department of Mathematics
University of Arizona
617 N. Santa Rita Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85721-0089

Phone: (520) 626-6628


Positions held

Education and training



Please see my research page.


Please see my teaching page.

Editorial boards

Current students

Ben StilinApplied Mathematics
Alexa AucoinApplied Mathematics


Jared McBridePhD, Program in Applied Mathematics, 2023, wrote a dissertation on the estimation of high-contrast spectra via iterated whitening. Jared is now an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Southern Virginia University.
Zach SchlamowitzBS Mathematics 2023. Zach will be attending the Computational Medicine PhD program at UCLA.
Lane Robert LewisNeuroscience and Mathematics, UA Class of 2022. Lane is now studying Statistics/Neural Computation at CMU.
Florence DunganMS Mathematics, 2021. Florence wrote her MS thesis on a nonparametric test for equality of distributions
Zhuo-Cheng XiaoPhD, Program in Applied Mathematics, 2020 (co-advised with Jean-Marc Fellous), wrote a dissertation on neuronal oscillations: in hippocampal functions and in simulations. After a Swartz Fellowship at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, Zhuo-Cheng is now an Assistant Professor at NYU-Shanghai.
Andrew GordonBS in Mathematics 2019. Andrew wrote an Honors Thesis on extending the group invariance theorem for perceptrons and went on to work at Epic.
Patrick GreenePhD Applied Mathematics 2018. Dissertation: A Bayesian approach to spike sorting of neural data via source localization, now a postdoc in the Neuromedical Control Systems Lab in Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University
Laura Figueroa Resa Summer student 2016 (co-advising with Tracy Stepien) visiting from UNAM via UA Global Initiative
Lizzie HannahBS in Mathematics UA 2017. Lizzie wrote an Honors Thesis on constraining frisbee tracking methods through Bayesian analysis of flying disc models; the project is really the brainchild of Physics graduate student Tom McClintock. Lizzie is now studying law at the University of Arizona.
Dustin KeysBS in Mathematics UA 2012. Dustin earned a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Arizona in 2022.
Andrew LeachPhD Applied Mathematics 2017 (co-advised with Matti Morzfeld) wrote a dissertation on Monte Carlo methods for stochastic differential equations and their applications. Andrew now works at Google.
David LyttlePhD Applied Mathematics 2013 (co-advised with Jean-Marc Fellous). Dissertation: Inhibition-mediated neural dynamics in the rodent spatial navigation system. David was awarded an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship at Case Western Reserve University. He is now a scientist at Finch Therapeutics.
Kyle MarshallBS in Mathematics UA 2009. Kyle earned a PhD in from the University of Zürich.
Megan ShearerBS in Mathematics UA 2016. Megan wrote a thesis on implicit sampling and particle filters, and earned a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Michigan in 2022.
Vera ThorntonBS in Mathematics UA 2017. Vera wrote two Honors Theses, one with me on in-silico evolution of gene regulatory networks and another with Bob Wilson on decsion making. Vera is now a MD/PhD candidate at Washington University in St Louis.
Jason XuBS in Mathematics UA 2012. Jason wrote an Honors Thesis on MCMC, went on to earn a PhD in Statistics from the University of Washington. After an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biomathematics at UCLA, he is now an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Duke University.
This page was last updated on July 14, 2024.