Kevin K Lin

School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Arizona

Office: Math 606 or Zoom
Phone: +1(520)626-6628

617 N Santa Rita Ave
Tucson, AZ 85721-0089

Here's my weekly schedule. If you need to see me but cannot attend an office hour, please email or call for an appointment. Meetings can be in person or online. For online meetings, if you're a member of the Department of Mathematics, you can use this link. Otherwise, email me and I'll send you a Zoom link, or just call my office.

Research. I'm generally interested in nonlinear dynamics, computing, and applications. Specific current interests include

I'm on the editorial boards of the SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems and the Journal of Computational Dynamics. Please feel free to send me questions about either journal.

Research in computational nonlinear dynamics
Publications |  arXiv |  Google Scholar | MathSciNet | GitHub
Curriculum vitae

Spring 2024
{DATA,MATH} 468 Applied Stochastic Processes

Fall 2023
{DATA,MATH} 412 Linear Algebra for Data Science

NSF Research Training Group in Data Driven Discovery
UQ Working Group
Data & Dynamics Working Group
Applied Mathematics Colloquium

All courses + seminars, past and present

Public key

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This page was last updated on July 15, 2024.