For generalized crumpling problem (GC), we need to characterize all W2, 2 isometric immersions immersions of a subset of m into a small ball in d. We investigated the associated geometric problem of characterizing the smooth/piecewise smooth isometric immersions in this situation. We showed following ``rigidity'' result [VWKG00] about the existence of immersions : m d :
If d < 2m, for every S there exists an r > 0 such that there exists no smooth (or even C3) isometric immersion : Brd, a d dimensional ball with radius r.
Refining Thm. 4, we conjecture a lower bound of the dimension of a minimal obstructions for periodic boundary conditions [DWVK01] -
Cuurently, I am examining similar questions for isometric immersions of portions of the hyperbolic plane 2 into 3, with certain curvature restrictions. This is the relevant geometric problem for the variational problem governing the multiple scale buckling in thin elastic sheets, seen in experiments by Sharon and coworkers at the university of Texas.