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Convex Integration
I am interested in the rigidity of underdetermined PDEs, i.e. the global consequences of local differential constraints. An
example of this phenomenon is the isometric immersion problem from the
previous section.
The isometric immersion problem has an interesting dichotomy depending
on the smoothness that we seek for the immersion. Results by Nash,
Hartman and Nirenberg and Gromov show that this is a very ``rigid''
problem in low codimension, for C2 or smoother immersions. However,
for C1 immersions, the situation is very different. Results due to
Nash and Kuiper, along with improvements by Gromov show that
The proof of this result is through convex
integration. Müller and Sverak [MŠ96] adapted this
technique to generate Lipschitz solutions u in an admissible set
that satisfy
W(x, u, Du) = 0 a.e., obtaining exact
solutions to the (nonregularized) problem (VP). These
solutions have an infinite number of scales and are obtained by
recursively adding oscillations on increasingly finer scales.
We have used the Nash-Kuiper-Gromov result to show that

0 for thin elastic
sheets with a variety of boundary conditions, and this can be
generalized to the variational problem (R-VP). The proof
motivates the following question -
Problem 11
Are the ``convex integration'' solutions relevant
to the family of problems (R-VP)? Can one adapt this procedure
to include a small scale cutoff?
Also, the convex integration procedure is formulated in spaces with
pointwise information on the derivatives (u is Lipschitz or u
Ck.) To apply this idea to regularized variational problems, we need
to consider spaces with integral norms (
F <
, i.e. Sobolev spaces). This leads us to consider
questions about the density of smooth (or Lipshitz or continuous)
functions in Sobolev spaces of maps between manifolds, e.g.,
Problem 12
What is
W2, p(
) ?
This is related to similar questions on Harmonic Maps
[EL78,EL88,SU84] and approximation of Sobolev maps between
manifolds [Bet90]. It will be very interesting to clarify the
role of the geometry of the set
{u | W(x, u, Du) = 0} in the answer to this question.
Next: Black hole event horizons
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Previous: Existence of smooth Isometric