- M. Hudiani, C. Landim, S. Sethuraman, Singular diffusion limit of a tagged particle in zero range processes
with Sinai-type random environment (2025)
- M. Conroy, S. Sethuraman, Poisson statistics, vanishing correlations, and extremal
particle limits for symmetric exclusion in d>1 (2025)
- T. Funaki, C. Landim, S. Sethuraman, Linear fluctuation of interfaces in Glauber-Kawasaki dynamics (2024)
- C. Hatton, S. Sethuraman, Multiple range of random walk up to the time of exit from an interval (2024)
- A. Loomis, S. Sethuraman, Higher energy state approximations in the `Many Interacting Worlds' model. (2023) Accepted in Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics (IDAQP), in honor of K.R. Parathasarathy
- S. Sethuraman, SRS Varadhan, Atypical behaviors of a tagged particle in asymmetric simple exclusion. (2023) Accepted in Ann. Probab.
- M. Conroy, S. Sethuraman, Gumbel laws in the symmetric exclusion process. (2022) Accepted in Commun. Math. Phys.
- T. Funaki, P. van Meurs, S. Sethuraman, K. Tsunoda, Constant-speed interface flow from unbalanced Glauber-Kawasaki dynamics. (2022) Accepted in Ensaios Math., in honor of E. Presutti
- S. Sethuraman, J. Xue, Condensation, boundary conditions, and effects of slow sites in zero-range systems. (2022) Accepted in Ann. Probab.
- T. Funaki, P. van Meurs, S. Sethuraman, K. Tsunoda, Motion by mean curvature from Glauber-Kawasaki dynamics with speed change. (2022) Accepted in J. Stat. Phys.
- T. Funaki, S. Sethuraman, Schauder estimate for quasilinear discrete PDEs of parabolic type. (2023) Accepted in Mem. AMS
- P. El Kettani, T. Funaki, D. Hilhorst, H.J. Park, S. Sethuraman, Singular limit of an Allen-Cahn equation with nonlinear diffusion. (2021) Accepted in Tunisian J. Math.
- B. Gales, S. Sethuraman, K-S. Jun, Norm agnostic linear bandits (2022) To appear in AISTATS proceedings.
- T. Funaki, M. Hoshino, S. Sethuraman, B. Xie, Asymptotics of PDE in random environment by paracontrolled calculus. (2020) Ann. I.H.P. Probab. Stat. 57 1702--1735.
- C. Landim, C.G. Patheco, S. Sethuraman, J. Xue, On a nonlinear SPDE derived from a hydrodynamic limit in a Sinai-type random environment. (2020)
To appear in AAP.
- W. Lippitt, S. Sethuraman, Tang, X. Stationarity and inference in multistate promoter models of stochastic gene expression via stick-breaking measures. To appear in SIAM J. Math. Analysis
- W. Lippitt, S. Sethuraman, On the use of the Markovian stick-breaking priors.
(2021) AMS Contemporary Math. Volume in honor of M.M. Rao. Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis: New Perspectives. 774 153--174.
- P. El Kettani, T. Funaki, D. Hilhorst, H.J. Park, S. Sethuraman, Mean curvature interface limit from Glauber + Zero-range interacting particles. (2022) To appear in Commun. Math. Phys.
- T. Doehrman, S. Sethuraman, S.C. Venkataramani, Remarks on the range and multiple range of random walk up to the time of exit. (2021) Rocky Mountain J. Math. 51, No. 5, 1603--1614.
- C. Bernardin, T. Funaki, S. Sethuraman, Derivation of coupled
KPZ-Burgers equation from multi-species zero-range processes (2021) Ann. Appl. Probab. 31 1966--2017.
- Z. Dietz, W. Lippitt, S. Sethuraman, Stick-breaking processes, clumping, and Markov chain occupation laws (2021) Sankhya A
- I. Fatkullin, S. Sethuraman, J. Xue, On hydrodynamic limits of Young diagrams (2020) Elec J Probab. 25 Paper 58, 44pgs.
- S. Sethuraman, D. Shahar, Hydrodynamic limits for long-range asymmetric interacting particle systems (2018) Elec J Probab 23, Paper 130, 54pp
- E. Davis, S. Sethuraman, Approximating geodesics via random points (2019) Ann. Appl. Probab. 29, 1446--1486.
- J. Lega, S. Sethuraman, A. Young, On collision times of self-sorting interacting particles in one-dimension with random initial positions and velocities. (2018) J. Stat. Phys. 170, 1088-1122.
- S. Sethuraman, S.C. Venkataramani, On the asymptotic growth of a superlinear preferential attachment scheme. (2018) To appear in Springer Volume in honor of SRS Varadhan's 75th birthday.
- E. Davis, S. Sethuraman, Consistency of modularity clustering on random geometric graphs (2018) Ann. Appl. Probab. 28, 2003--2062.
- S. Sethuraman, On microscopic derivation of a fractional stochastic Burgers equation. (2016) Commun. Math. Phys. 341. 625--665.
- C. Bernardin, P. Goncalves, S. Sethuraman, Occupation times of long-range exclusion and connections KPZ class exponents. (2016) PTRF 166, 365--428.
- J. Choi, S. Sethuraman, S. Venkatramani, A scaling limit for the degree distribution in sublinear preferential attachment schemes. (2016) Rand. Struct. Alg. 48, 703--731.
- C. Bernardin, P. Goncalves, S. Sethuraman, Equilibrium fluctuations of additive functionals of zero-range models. (2014) In Conference Proceedings, `Particle systems and pde' Dec. 5-7, 2012, U. Minho, Springer proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 75, 143--169.
- Patricia Goncalves, Milton Jara, Sunder Sethuraman, A stochastic Burgers equation from a class of microscopic interactions. (2015) Ann. Probab. 43, 286-338.
- C. Bergman, S. Sethuraman, Measuring bias in cyclic random walks. (2013) Missouri J. Math. Sci. 25, 195-212
- Sijia Liu, Tasos Matzavinos, Sunder Sethuraman, Random walk distances in data clustering and applications. (2013) Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. 7, 83-108.
- J. Choi, S. Sethuraman, Large deviations for the degree structure in preferential attachment schemes. (2013) Ann. Appl. Probab. 23, 722-763.
- S. Sethuraman and SRS Varadhan, Large deviations for the current and tagged particle in 1D symmetric simple exclusion. (2013) Ann. Probab. 41, 1461-1512.
- M. Jara, C. Landim, S. Sethuraman, Nonequilibrium fluctuations for a tagged particle in one dimensional sublinear rate zero-range processes. (2013) Ann. IHP Prob. Stat. 49, 611-637.
- S. Athreya, S. Sethuraman, B. Toth, On the range, local times, and periodicity of a random walk in an interval (2011) ALEA Lat. Am. J. Prob. Stat. 8, 269-284.
- J. Sethuraman and S. Sethuraman, Connections between Bernoulli strings and random permutations. (2010) in The Legacy of Alladi Ramakrishnan in the Mathematical Sciences} Ed. Alladi, K.; Klauder, J.R.; Rao, C.R., 389-400, Springer-Verlag, New York
- D. Minda, W. Bryc, and S. Sethuraman, Large deviations for the leaves in some random trees. Adv. Appl. Probab. 41, (2009) 845-873
- M. Jara, C. Landim, S. Sethuraman, Nonequilibrium fluctuations for a tagged particle in mean-zero one dimensional zero-range processes. PTRF 145, (2009) 565-590
- W. Bryc, and S. Sethuraman, A remark on the maximum eigenvalue for circulant matrices. IMS collections, The Luminy volume, 5 (2009) 179-184.
- F. Huffer, J. Sethuraman, and S. Sethuraman, A study of counts of Bernoulli strings via conditional Poisson processes. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009) 2125-2134.
- M. Peligrad, S. Sethuraman, On fractional Brownian motion limits in one dimensional nearest-neighbor symmetric exclusion. ALEA Lat. Am. J. Prob. Stat. 4, (2008) 245-255.
- K.B. Athreya, A.P. Ghosh, S. Sethuraman, Growth of preferential attachment random graphs via continuous-time branching processes. Proc. Indian Academy: Math Sci. 118 (2008) 473-494.
- Z. Dietz, S. Sethuraman, Occupation laws for some time- nonhomogeneous Markov chains. EJP 12; 23, (2007) 661-683.
- M. Balazs, F. Rassoul-Agha, T. Seppalainen, S. Sethuraman, Existence of the zero range process and a deposition model with superlinear growth rates. Ann. Probab. 35 (2007) 1201-1249
- S. Sethuraman, On diffusivity of a tagged particle in asymmetric zero-range dynamics. Ann. IHP Prob. et Stat. 43 (2007) 215-232
- S. Sethuraman, Diffusive variance for a tagged particle in d<=2 asymmetric simple exclusion. ALEA 1 (2006) 305-332.
- S. Sethuraman, Superdiffusivity of occupation-time variance in 2-dimensional asymmetric exclusion processes with density 1/2. J. Stat. Phys. 123, (2006) 787-802.
- S. Sethuraman and S.R.S. Varadhan, A martingale proof of Dobrushin's theorem for non-homogeneous Markov chains. EJP 10;36, (2005) 1221-1235
- Z. Dietz and S. Sethuraman, Large deviations for a class of non-homogeneous Markov chains. Ann. Appl. Probab. 15, (2005) 421-486.
- J. Sethuraman and S. Sethuraman, On counts of Bernoulli strings and connections to ranks and random permutations. IMS volume 45; A festshchrift for H. Rubin; Ed. A. DasGupta, (2004) 140-152.
- S. Sethuraman, A clustering law of large numbers for some discrete order statistics. J. Appl. Prob. 40 (2003) 226-241.
- S. Sethuraman, Conditional survival distributions of Brownian trajectories in a Poissonian enviroment. Stoch. Proc. and Appl. 102 (2003) 169-209.
- T. Seppalainen and S. Sethuraman, Transience of second-class particles and diffusive variance bounds for additive functionals of the one dimensional asymmetric exclusion process. Ann. Probab. 31 (2003) 148-169.
- S. Sethuraman, An equivalence of H(-1) norms for the simple exclusion process. Ann. Probab. 31 (2003) 35-62.
- J.S. Athreya, and S. Sethuraman, On the asymptotics of discrete order statistics. Stat. and Prob. Letters 54 (2001), 243-249.
- S. Sethuraman, On extremal measures for conservative particle systems. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare Prob. Statistiques 37 (2001), 139-154.
- S. Sethuraman, S.R.S. Varadhan, and H.T. Yau, Diffusive limit of a tagged particle in asymmetric simple exclusion processes. Commun. Pure and Appl. Math. 53 (2000), 972-1006.
- S. Sethuraman, Central limit theorems for additive functionals of exclusion proceses. Ann. Probab. 28 (2000), 277-302.
- S. Sethuraman, and L. Xu, Spin depolarization decay rates in alpha-symmetric stable fields on cubic lattices. Commun. Pure and Appl. Math. 49 (1997), 1281-1298.
- C. Landim, S. Sethuraman, and S.R.S. Varadhan, Spectral gap for zero-range dynamics. Ann. Probab. 24 (1996), 1842-1870.
- S. Sethuraman, and L. Xu, A central limit theorem for reversible exclusion and zero-range particle systems. Ann. Probab. 24 (1996), 1871-1902
- S. Hamaguchi, M. Dalvie, R.T. Farouki, and S. Sethuraman, A shock-tracking algorithm for surface evolution under reactive-ion \
etching. J. Appl. Phys. 74 (1993), 5172-5184.