Partial Differential Equations
Vibrating String
This MATLAB GUI illustrates the use of Fourier series to simulate the dynamics of a vibrating string. The string is clamped at its end points and its deflection from the horizontal, u, evolves according to the wave equation, utt - uxx = 0.
Rectangular Elastic Membrane
This MATLAB GUI illustrates how the vibrating modes of a rectangular membrane evolve in time and interact with one another. The membrane is clamped at its boundary and its deflection from the horizontal, u, evolves according to the two-dimensional wave equation, utt = c2(uxx + uyy).
Circular Elastic Membrane
This MATLAB GUI illustrates how the vibrating modes of a circular membrane evolve in time and interact with one another. The membrane is clamped at its boundary and its deflection from the horizontal, u, evolves according to the two-dimensional wave equation, utt = ∇2u.
One-dimensional Heat Equation
This MATLAB GUI illustrates the use of Fourier series to simulate the diffusion of heat in a domain of finite size. The quantity u evolves according to the heat equation, ut - uxx = 0, and may satisfy Dirichlet, Neumann, or mixed boundary conditions.
Heat Equation on the Whole Line
This MATLAB GUI plots the solution to the one-dimensional heat equation, ut = c2uxx, as a function of time and for "top hat" initial conditions.