Scholarships and Awards
The following is a list of scholarships, fellowships, and awards that our students are eligible to receive.
Departmental Awards
1 Award Each Year
This fellowship is awarded to a graduate student who best embodies the spirit, drive, and work ethic of Daniel Bartlett. This fellowship is made possible by the generous support of Daniel's parents. This fellowship honors Daniel Bartlett, a graduate student in the Mathematics PhD program who passed away suddenly in 2006. It is awarded to a graduate student who best embodies the spirit, drive, and work ethic of Daniel Bartlett. This fellowship, as well as the annual Daniel Bartlett memorial lecture is made possible by the generous support of Daniel's parents.
2 Awards Each Year
The Thomas M. and Candace C. Grogan Endowed Fund was established to support the Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry and the Department of Mathematics. The Fund provides scholarship support for students in Chemistry/Biochemistry and/or Mathematics. If the Fund reaches the prevailing College of Science minimum, it will support a post-doctoral fellowship in Chemistry/Biochemistry or Mathematics. Find more information on Scholarship Universe.
For Travel
The Clay Travel Fund provides support for Mathematics graduate students to attend and present papers at mathematical conferences and meetings. It was established in 1996 in memory of Professor James R. Clay.
College of Science Awards
3 Awards Every Year
The award is given to outstanding graduate students for their attention to broader impacts and involvement in activities outside of academic responsibilities that benefit the department, university and the larger community. For example, this student may represent graduate student interests on councils or committees, organize graduate student events, assist departmental recruitment, participate in K-12 outreach, etc.
4-5 Awards Every Year
The Galileo Circle awards scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate exceptional potential in the physical, mathematical, environmental, cognitive, or life sciences. Your gift goes a long way towards assuring these young scientists will be at the forefront of changing and bettering our world. For every scholarship you support, we will match you with a student and provide you with an opportunity to meet them at our annual scholars celebration.
The goal of this fellowship is to represent those underrepresented in their fields of study in the College of Science. Eligible candidates may be nominated by a COS department at the time of admission or current enrollment. To be eligible for a Linda and Ken Robin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, students must be:
A current or accepted graduate student in a department in COS, and Nominated by a department based on the student’s:
- Intellectual merit - demonstrated academic excellence and exceptional potential to advance knowledge in one or more discipline(s), and...
- Ability to broaden perspectives and scientific inquiry based on the student’s diverse life experiences (e.g., economic, educational, cultural, geographic, and/or familial background).
Each fellowship award will be in the amount of $8,000 per year, and awards may be renewed for up to two (2) additional years if the recipient continues to demonstrate academic progress in the student’s graduate program. Each fellowship must be used to supplement a base 9-month graduate assistantship (teaching or research) for up to three years. The faculty nominator or department must commit to maintaining the stipend for a fourth year.
University of Arizona and Graduate College Awards
The mission of the Richard A. Harvill Endowment is to perpetuate knowledge of Dr. Harvill, who served as The University of Arizona's (UArizona) president from 1951 to 1971, a period in which The University began its furious post-war enrollment growth, and the institution took its place among the leading research universities of the west. The award targets University of Arizona senior undergraduates, domestic or international, who have completed a bachelor's degree at UArizona in May 2024, have been admitted to a UArizona main campus doctoral program for the fall 2024, and have an undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher. The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of $12,000, disbursed in two equal payments between the fall and spring terms and a Graduate Tuition Scholarship that covers base (main campus) graduate level tuition (differential tuition assessed by some programs is not included) for each semester of award.
The University of Arizona (UArizona) Graduate College's recruitment Graduate Access Fellowship/Tuition Award is intended to broaden the access of U.S. students to graduate education and to promote the diversity of our graduate student body. Eligibility for these fellowships is restricted to incoming domestic graduate students who will be newly admitted for the term of award and who have shown academic achievement despite facing challenging social, economic or educational obstacles. Each fellowship/tuition award provides up to $2,000 per semester to students admitted to a Master's program or up to $4,000 per semester to those admitted to the PhD. The latter includes PhD-bound master's students in programs that require completion of the Master's before admission to the PhD, those pursuing an MFA requiring a minimum of 60 units, and those pursuing an MLA. Awards are dependent upon the availability of funding and are limited to 3 per academic department.
The University Fellows Award is a prestigious fellowship offered only to UArizona's highest-ranked incoming graduate students. Recipients of the fellowship receive a competitive financial package, professional development programming, mentoring and community engagement opportunities, and a richly interdisciplinary cohort. The goals of the University Fellows Program are to recruit the best students to the University of Arizona; develop interdisciplinary scholars, artists, and practitioners who are the next generation of leaders; and promote collaborative innovation on campus and throughout our broader communities.
The University of Arizona/Sloan Foundation Indigenous Graduate Partnership (UA/SIGP) scholarship is designed to address the national need for academically prepared Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians, or Original peoples of Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands with U.S. Citizenship who can help spur economic development in their communities and reservations and occupy leadership positions in colleges and universities, government and the corporate world.
In recognition of his outstanding vision, leadership, and unwavering commitment to diversity and excellence, the Board of Directors of the University of Arizona (UArizona) Foundation has established a permanent endowment in honor of the 18th President of the University of Arizona, Peter "Pete" Likins. The nominee must be a current graduate student in their 1st or 2nd year at the time of application and is a student who has, due to circumstances of whatever nature, overcome substantial adversity to be accepted for admission and demonstrates successful academic progress in the graduate program (Master's or doctoral) at UArizona. In addition to illustrating that adversarial circumstances were overcome, candidates will be evaluated based on their ability to express themselves with passion and vitality. Selection shall be determined by the Associate Dean of the UArizona Graduate College, based on recommendation of the review committee. Applicants must be nominated by their UArizona academic program (one per graduate program only). Applicants may not apply directly. It is suggested that faculty coordinate with their Director of Graduate Studies to ensure only one application per academic unit is submitted. The recipient may concurrently hold a graduate assistantship. This is not a recruitment award - it is for current 1st and 2nd year graduate students at the time of submitting the application.
External Awards
The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. A goal of the program is to broaden participation of the full spectrum of diverse talents in STEM. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support inclusive of an annual stipend of $37,000.
The SMART Scholarship builds future leaders in 24 STEM disciplines and is the largest education and workforce development initiative under the Department of Defense STEM Program. Scholarship recipients receive hands-on experience at one of over 200 Department of Defense facilities during their internships and apply this knowledge as early career professionals. Department of Defense facilities are at the forefront of innovation in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, autonomy, cyber, space, 5G, and other technology areas.
NASA initiated the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Project, also known as Space Grant, in 1989. Space Grant is a national network of colleges and universities. These institutions are working to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA’s aeronautics and space projects by supporting and enhancing science and engineering education, research and public outreach efforts. The Space Grant national network includes over 850 affiliates from universities, colleges, industry, museums, science centers, and state and local agencies. These affiliates belong to one of 52 consortia in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.