Funded Research
As a department, we work hard to support the ever growing need for the power of math and the financial support received by many of our faculty reflect this effort. A good number of UArizona faculty are supported grants and contracts from external agencies with totals averaging millions of dollars per year! The undergraduate, graduate, and GIDP programs have been awarded two 5-year, $3.5 million VIGRE training grants from the National Science Foundation, a distinction very few programs in the country can match.
Who is supporting UArizona Math?
Project |
Agency |
Faculty Member |
Expiration Date |
Collaborative Research: Parents, Teachers, and Multilingual Children Collaborating on Mathematics Together | National Science Foundation | Marta Civil | 5/31/2025 |
DARPA Chikungunya Challenge Prize | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Joceline C. Lega | 06/30/2025 |
RTG: Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Data-Driven Discovery | National Science Foundation | Kevin Lin | 3/31/2025 |
Design and Computation of Origami-Inspired Structures and Metamaterials | National Science Foundation | Frederic Marazzato | 7/31/2027 |
Collaborative Research: GCR: Collective Behavior and Patterning of Topological Defects: from String Theory to Crystal Plasticity | National Science Foundation | Shankar C. Venkataramani | 9/30/2025 |
Nonlinearity in Reaction-Diffusion and Kinetic Equations | National Science Foundation | Christopher Henderson | 5/31/2025 |
The Gan--Gross--Prasad Conjecture: Archimedean Theory | National Science Foundation | Hang Xue | 7/31/2025 |
Conference: Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry | National Science Foundation | Hang Xue | 8/31/2025 |
Collaborative Research: MUCUS: Measuring and Understanding the Cassiopea Use of Space | National Science Foundation | Laura Miller | 12/31/2025 |
Iwasawa theory of class group schemes in characteristic $p$ | National Science Foundation | Bryden R. Cais | 4/30/2026 |
Statistical Methods for Response Process Data | National Science Foundation | Xueying Tang | 7/31/2026 |
Collaborative Research: AMPS: Rare Events in Power Systems: Novel Mathematics, Statistics and Algorithms. | National Science Foundation | Michael Chertkov | 7/31/2025 |
Collaborative Research: CDS&E-MSS: Community Detection via Covariance Structures | National Science Foundation | Ning Hao | 8/31/2026 |
IGE: Integrating Data Science into the Applied Mathematics PhD: Generalized Skills for Non-Academic Careers | National Science Foundation | Michael Chertkov | 9/30/2026 |
Collaborative Research: Using Uncertainty Quantification and Validated Computational Models to Analyze Pumping Performance of Valveless, Tubular Hearts | Chapman University | Laura Miller | 4/30/2025 |
Reinforcement Learning for Particle Accelerators | Los Alamos National Laboratory | Michael Chertkov | 4/22/2025 |
Arithmetic Geometry | Simons Foundation | Douglas L. Ulmer | 8/31/2025 |
Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy | Simons Foundation | Lise-Marie Imbert-Gerard | 8/31/2025 |
Sunnyside IGA | Sunnyside Unified School District | Melissa Hosten | 6/30/2025 |
Monopoles: Constructions and Moduli Spaces | Simons Foundation | Sergey Cherkis | 8/31/2028 |
Data Driven Modeling and Analysis of Chaotic and Stochastic Dynamics | Simons Foundation | Kevin Lin | 8/31/2028 |
TUSD/CRR IGA | Tucson Unified School District | Melissa Hosten | 6/30/2026 |
Automorphic Forms, L-Functions, and Relative Langlands Program | American Mathematical Society | Pan Yan | 6/30/2025 |
AMS-Simons Travel Grant | American Mathematical Society | Shay Gilpin | 6/30/2026 |
AMS-Simons Travel Grant | American Mathematical Society | Debaditya Raychaudhury | 6/30/2026 |
Novel Model Development for Material Systems: Data-driven Algorithms and Interacting Particle Methods | National Science Foundation | Karl Glasner | 7/31/2027 |
Focused Next Steps for Behavioral and Physiological Response Studies with Social Delphinids off Southern California | Southall Environmental Associates, Inc. | Henry Scharf | December 2025 |