Community Engagement

Engage with Math

UArizona Mathematics is known for a long and excellent tradition of outreach to not only the Tucson community but the mathematics community as a whole. Subcribe to our annual newsletter to see more highlights!


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The Goal...

The goal of our community engagment efforts is to promote interest, enthusiasm, inclusion, connection, career awareness, professional development, and lifelong learning within the world of mathematics. We provide outreach to the general public as well at K-12 educators, students, and undergraduates. Other activities include the Mathematics Instruction Colloquium and  Mathematics Awareness Week. You can learn more about the research behind these efforts on our Research Areas page!

Events Calendar




Outreat events for K-12 educators, students and undergraduates including The Center for Recruitment and Retention of Math Teachers (CRR), Tucson Math Circle, CEMELA, and more!

Bear Down sign

General Public

Making math more accessible is important to us. We aim to engage local communities with a variety of lectures, conferences, booths, and more!

large event on the mall

More Activities

The Math Instruction Colloquium is an event put on by our department each week Held weekly in conjunction with the Entry Level Colloquium. This colloquium touches on a number of topics of interest to math teachers. We encourage and invite teachers in the local community to participate. 

Find event details on our events calendar.


People attending a conference

Engagement Archive

Events, lectures, conferences, and initiatives that are no longer running can be found here. Video recordings and other information may also be available depending on the kind of activity.


Need Help?

Our Support Center is a hub of quick information for everyone. Whether you're a current student, future student, Mathematics Department member, donor, or a curious member of UArizona, you can find the information you're looking for below!

Support Center