Empower Minds, Invest in Impact
A gift to the Department of Mathematics is an investment in the future of mathematics education, research, and outreach to the Tucson community and beyond.
Your support adds up.
The Department of Mathematics takes pride in housing unique centers and institutes dedicated to promoting and rewarding excellence in research, teaching, K-12 education, and public outreach. Additonally, our dedication to supporting outstanding graduate and undergraduate talent is reflected through numerous scholarships and awards.
You can support us by subscribing to our newsletter or by giving below. All gifts are tax-deductible. A gift of $5000 or more provides a complimentary one-year membership to the Galileo Circle, a society dedicated to continued excellence in the sciences at the University of Arizona.
Please Note: Gifts to the Math General Fund go into an expendable account and are generally used in the year or two following the gift. The other funds listed here are endowments. Contributions to them add to our ability to support the associated activity or scholarship in perpetuity. If you are interested in establishing a new endowment to support one of our activities, please contact the department head or the director of development.
Mathematics Centers & Institutes
There are two externally funded research centers affiliated with the department and linked below. Mirroring the breadth of the department's research efforts, these centers focus on very distinct areas of the mathematical sciences: one emphasizes very abstract, curiosity-driven research in arithmetic geometry, while the other emphasizes highly applied questions in non-linear partial differential equations.

By supporting this fund, you are helping us run conferences, educate students, field outreach and research efforts, and much more. You may indicate a specific gift purpose in the comment box in the online donation form.
Please Note: Gifts to the Math General Fund go into an expendable account and are generally used in the year or two following the gift. The other funds listed here are endowments. Contributions to them add to our ability to support the associated activity or scholarship in perpetuity. If you are interested in establishing a new endowment to support one of our activities, please contact the department head or the director of development.
The Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR) at the University of Arizona was created to address the shortage of qualified mathematics teachers. Its goals are to retain mathematics teachers currently in the field and to attract mathematically talented college students to the teaching profession. Towards this end the Center coordinates several projects, including a program for new teachers (Induction Program), a tutoring project to attract college students into mathematics education, teacher workshops, and an annual Mathematics Educator's Appreciation Day Conference for teachers, grades K-14.
Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards
Math Education Scholarships and Awards
The Toubassi endowment has funded two scholarships: one awarded to math majors who have chosen the Mathematics Education emphasis, and one awarded to excellent math majors applying to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences.
Anyone may gift to this endowment. The endowment that funds these scholarships was established in honor Emeritus Mathematics Professor Elias Toubassi.
Application Information
Eligibility: Rising Senior Mathematics Education Majors; minimum math GPA: 3.0.
Frequency: Once a year, in Spring
Amount: $1,500
Application Period: No application required
Selected by the Undergraduate Committee (UGC). Recipients are excellent rising Seniors in the Mathematics Education emphasis planning to complete student teaching the following year.
Past Recipients
- Amanda Castaneda, 2023
- Teresa Perez, 2022
- Liliana Mata, 2021
- Andres Ramirez, 2017
- Gerardo Lopez, 2016
- Alissa Marco, 2015
- Tetyana Dewland, 2014
The scholarship is available thanks to a generous endowment in honor of Dr. Katharine McLean. This endowed scholarship is intended to continue her legacy in supporting outstanding individuals that have a passion for teaching mathematics.
Application Information
- Major: Mathematics, Secondary Education emphasis only
- Class Standing: will be sophomore, junior, or non-graduating senior in fall of award year
- Enrollment: full-time
- Citizenship/Residency: none specified
- Courses Complete: MATH 122A/B (or equivalent)
- Other: Genuine commitment to teaching at the secondary level upon degree completion.
As much as possible, all McLean scholars will be chosen with attention to their overall GPA, their mathematical aptitude, and emerging leadership within the community.
Mathematics Education Scholars receiving the award prior to their senior year, will remain scholars through their senior year, for a maximum period of three consecutive academic years, upon satisfactory progress in the mathematics major, mathematics education emphasis. The award values are as follows:
Sophomore year: $1,000; Junior year: $2,000; Senior year: $3,000.
Past Recipients
- Hassan Khan, 2023
- Anthony Matias, 2023
- Jonathan Shepard, 2023
- Anthony Matias, 2022
- Mason Perkins, 2022
- Araceli Padilla, 2021
- Mason Perkins, 2021
- Esteban Manriquez, 2020
- Mason Perkins, 2020
- Wiktoria Latocha, 2019
- Jenna Mills, 2019
- Erika Friedemann, 2018
- Marley Murrell, 2018
- Erika Friedemann, 2017
University Awards
The College of Science announces the Galileo Circle Scholarships. These scholarships are funded by the generous contributions of members of the Galileo Circle. The Galileo Circle awards scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate exceptional potential in the physical, mathematical, environmental, cognitive, or life sciences. Your gift goes a long way towards assuring these young scientists will be at the forefront of changing and bettering our world. For every scholarship you support, we will match you with a student and provide you with an opportunity to meet them at our annual scholars celebration.
Students selected by their department will be directed to submit an application in Scholarship Universe.
The College of Science will create a packet from each student’s Scholarship Universe application, to will be shared with the Galileo Circle Scholar’s Patron. It is a great way of introducing Galileo Circle members to the quality and breadth of our students. Each scholar is also expected to attend the Galileo Circle Scholars event in April.
Scholarship Criteria
Full-time major in a College of Science undergraduate or graduate degree program; 3.2 minimum GPA. Only one Galileo Circle Scholarship can be awarded per student per year. Each department may specify additional criteria.
Application Information
Frequency: Annual
- Major: each department in the College of Science may nominate from among their majors
- Enrollment: full-time
- Citizenship/Residency: none specified
- GPA: 3.2 minimum
- Only one Galileo Circle Scholarship can be awarded per student per year
- Each department may specify additional criteria
Scholarships and Awards
This conference travel award aims primarily to support conference travel for undergraduate mathematics or statistics & data science majors.
When available, excess funds may be used to award non-travel scholarships to students who apply through the standard departmental application in spring.
Anyone may gift to this endowment. The endowment that funds the award was established by Professor Duncan Buell, a UA Mathematics alumnus, in honor of his grandparents. Harry and Janet Lusk graduated from The University of Arizona in 1912 and 1911, respectively.
The endowment will provide scholarships to junior and/or senior undergraduate students enrolled full-time at the University of Arizona and majoring in Mathematics.
Dr. Katharine McLean’s lifelong passion was teaching and mentoring young people, and over the span of her 35-year career at Phoenix College she touched the lives of thousands of students. She was particularly gratified to help first generation students succeed in college, and helped many students make the transition from the community college to the university. These endowed funds are intended to continue her legacy by supporting first generation college students, facilitating the transition from community college to university, and supporting those outstanding individuals that have a passion for teaching.
The McLean scholarships were endowed by John McLean in memory of his mother, Dr. Katharine McLean. The McLean transfer scholarship was intended to benefit students similar to those she taught.
This unrestricted award recognizes well-rounded undergraduates with outstanding mathematical promise. The endowment was established by friends and family of Distinguished Professor David Lomen, as a memorial to his life and his many contributions to mathematics and its teaching.
Professor Lomen (1937-2013) was a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the University of Arizona from 1966 until his retirement in 2011. Professor Lomen died after a three-year battle with cancer. This award honors the value Professor Lomen placed on excellence in undergraduate teaching, and his dedication to undergraduates' conceptual learning of mathematics.
The Toubassi scholarship recognizes excellent mathematics majors applying to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. This endowment was established in honor Emeritus Mathematics Professor Elias Toubassi.
Selected by the Undergraduate Committee (UGC). Recipients are excellent graduating students applying to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences.
This scholarship rewards promising, well-rounded, female mathematics majors. This endowment was established by Melissa and Randy Johnsen in honor of their mother, Marianne.
The Marianne Cooke Johnsen Endowment was created by Melissa Johnsen and Randy Johnsen in honor of their mother. Marianne earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona in 1948, but it was her love of mathematics and teaching that inspired many students over her 30 year career. After a move to the San Francisco Bay area with her family, Marianne began working as an elementary school teacher in the Palo Alto school district. She was chosen to develop, implement and manage a successful program for gifted students. Cooke Johnsen went on to become a mathematics consultant for the district of 17,000 students. During this time, she authored five mathematics text books used by the district, primarily for children from 3rd to 6th grades.
This scholarship award supports outstanding undegraduate math majors. This endowment was established by family and friends of Professor Richard "Dick" Pierce, who was a member of the UA Mathematics Department from 1975-1990 and a valuable mentor to numerous young mathematicians.
This scholarship rewards outstanding students majoring in mathematics. This endowment was established in 1992 by friends and family of Rick Peet, an undergraduate math major, artist, musician, and believer in the social value of advanced science studies. Rick's life was cut short in 1990, before he could enter our mathematics graduate program.
This scholarship aims to reward students majoring in mathematics. Anyone may gift to this endowment. The endowment that funds this scholarship was established by the wishes of Katherine Gordon, to honor the memory of her husband, Robert Gordon. Katherine was a UA alumna who served as a US Navy nurse during WWII, studied library science, and served as a librarian at a junior high in Nogales for 15 years, until her retirement.
This award supports mathematics and data science majors in various ways, including scholarships and conference travel stipends. The award was established through generous contributions from alumni, and honors the legacy of Bill Velez to the UA students majoring in mathematics.
Graduate Scholarships and Awards
Graduate Scholarships and Awards
This fellowship is awarded to a graduate student who best embodies the spirit, drive, and work ethic of Daniel Bartlett. Daniel was a remarkable rising mathematician who passed away suddenly in 2006. At the time of his death, Daniel was beginning work in algebraic number theory, the area he envisioned would ground his dissertation work at UA. Daniel’s passion for, and dedication to mathematics, led his family to also establish the Daniel Bartlett Memorial Scholarship, supporting outstanding graduate research in mathematics every summer.
Application Information
This scholarship is awarded to a graduate student who best embodies the spirit, drive, and work ethic of Daniel Bartlett. This fellowship, as well as the annual Daniel Bartlett memorial lecture is made possible by the generous support of Daniel's parents.
This endowment funds mathematics graduate students to attend and present research at mathematical sciences conferences and meetings. It was established in 1996 in memory of Professor James R. Clay.
Other Scholarships and Awards
Special Campaigns
The James Kautz Memorial Endowment will support outreach efforts serving the Tucson K-12 school community and coordinated by the Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR).
Public Lectures and Conferences
This annual public lecture explores the nature of mathematics by sharing the work of renowned mathematicians with general audiences. Made possible through the Bartlett Memorial Endowment, the lecture memorializes Daniel Bartlett, a remarkable rising mathematician who passed away suddenly in 2006.
The lectures series raises public knowledge about mathematical sciences research done here, in Tucson. The series is supported through and endowment established by Duncan Buell who believes in the value of raising public awareness about the relevance, beauty, and applicability of mathematics in its many forms.
Faculty Endowed Chairs and Support
This faculty/staff award recognizes and rewards innovation and creativity in undergraduate mathematics education and experiences for undergraduates. Examples include new ways of teaching old subjects, synergistic relationships with client disciplines via course development, projects that contribute in a novel way to the learning of mathematics, and other ideas not yet imagined.