Math Department Tutoring Services
To see the tutoring location/schedule, please select the appropriate course below:
- ThinkTank (Lower-Division Math 106 - 125 Tutoring)
- Math 113/116
- Math 119A
- Math 163/263 Statistics
- Math 129
- Math 129 (via Teams)
- Math 223
- Math 223 (via Teams)
- Upper division (MATH 243, 313-399 and 400 level courses)
- Upper division (via Teams) (MATH 243, 313-399 and 400 level courses)
Campus Tutoring Resources/Services
- The Think Tank
- The University provides free drop-in tutoring for many courses including Math 100, 107, 108, 112, 113, 116, 119A, 120R, 122B, 125, 129, 163.
- Center for Recruitment and Retention (CRR)
- Private Tutor List (contact each tutor for current rate)