Applied Math Graduate Student SIAM/ Brown Bag Seminar: Sven Leyffer, Argonne National Laboratory


1 – 2 p.m., Nov. 1, 2024

Speaker:      Sven Leyffer, Senior Computational Mathematician and Deputy Director, Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory. SIAM President and Member of SIAM's Board of Trustees 

Title:              Internship and Work Opportunities at Argonne National Laboratory 

Abstract:      Please join us (and bring your questions!) for a wide-ranging discussion with computational scientists from Argonne National Laboratory.  Argonne is a multi-purpose Department of Energy Lab, and home to a number of world-class research facilities such as the advanced photon source and the Aurora exascale computer. In this informal discussion, we will give an overview of Argonne's research environment, discuss research opportunities for undergrad and grad students, highlight some research vignettes from our students, and answer your questions about life after university!  

We will also review opportunities for students and postdocs to become more engaged with SIAM. 
