Modeling, Computation, Nonlinearity Seminar: Mattia Zanella, Universita di Pavia


12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Dec. 5, 2024

Speaker:          Mattia Zanella, Professor, Dept of Mathematics, Universita di Pavia

Title:              Superlinear Drifts trigger finite-time blow-up in kinetic consensus dynamics

Abstract:       In this talk, we introduce a new class of kinetic equations designed to explore the impact of initial mass on consensus formation dynamics. Specifically, we investigate the effects of superlinear drifts in kinetic Kaniadakis-Quarati-type equations, originally developed to model the dynamics of quantum indistinguishable particles in a spatially homogeneous setting. From the resulting PDE governing the evolution of the particle density, we identify the regimes where a critical mass triggers finite-time blow-up of the solution. Additionally, we discuss the regularity properties of the solutions for these models.