Program in Applied Mathematics Brown Bag Seminar: Sam Nasreldine, Applied Mathematics


1 – 2 p.m., Nov. 6, 2024

Speaker:      Sam Nasreldine, Graduate Student, Applied Mathematics

Title:              Modeling Frameworks for Extraterrestrial Biosphere Detection and Origin of Life Hypotheses          

Abstract:     The search for life beyond Earth relies on effective modeling frameworks to identify extraterrestrial biospheres and explore how life might originate. This talk presents a probabilistic framework designed to detect complex biospheres in various environments by integrating ecosystem dynamics with geochemical processes and using Bayesian inference to evaluate different habitability scenarios. This approach aids in interpreting data from upcoming astrobiology missions and locating environments that could support life. Additionally, we examine mathematical models related to origin of life hypotheses, assessing a range of scenarios from the formation of complex molecules to the emergence of self-replicating systems and cellular life. By evaluating these pathways, we aim to better understand the processes that transition non-living chemistry to living organisms, advancing our overall understanding of the probability of life's emergence.