Get to Know Math: Halloween Inside and Out

Entrance to the Math Tower on Halloween this year
October 31st, 2024 marked another successful Department of Mathematics Halloween Party. Staff, faculty, students, family, and community members filled the halls of the Math Tower collecting candy, participating in activities, and taking in the magical decor. Just surpassing 10 years of tradition, the event itself has raised over $10,000 for local charities through raffle prizes and bake sales. It is this tradition of supporting the community that keeps the event going strong year after year.
This year, $1,300 was raised for Casa de los Ninos, a local nonprofit working to improve the lives of children and families exposed to trauma and adversity. Additionally, a book drive was hosted for Make Way for Books Tucson, an “early literacy nonprofit that provides proven programs, services, and resources to more than 30,000 young children, parents, and educators throughout southern Arizona each year”. Folks from the department and across campus donated children’s books starting on Halloween all the way through Thanksgiving. The Department of Mathematics is proud to share these successes as a member of UA Cares, a University unit dedicated to community service and giving.
“Our annual Halloween party is my favorite time of year,” says Administrative Support Professional Julie Soulvie, “The Math building gets completely transformed based on the annual theme, complete with immersive decorations, interactive activities, candy, and prizes. This is an event for the whole Tucson community. Hundreds of people of all ages come though, with the adults getting into the fun as much as the kids!”
Not only does Halloween bring together the community, but also the department. “Halloween is probably the one day of the year where we really come together as a department,” shares Cheryl Ekstrom, an Academic Support Coordinator in the department, “When else do we have faculty, emeritus included, post docs, grad students, undergrad students, and staff from our department, along with their families, all taking part in the festivities? There is nothing better for me than to have a theme that just resonates with so many in our department, especially when they take a few hours out of their busy schedules to help make this an incredible event for our visitors.”
The theme this year was Inside Out. With Inside Out 2 being the family movie of the summer, it was no surprise that the theme won out. Raffle baskets were themed after each of the core emotions from the first film. Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Fear eagerly awaited the moment winners were announced. Local businesses donated various prizes to the cause. A big thank you to Transit Tea, Defy Tucson, The Loft Cinema, Nadine’s, and The Breaking Point for donating gift certificates and leveling up the raffle prize pool. But how is such an event put together?
Planning meetings begin shortly after the start of the semester with some of September and all of October being dedicated to putting the event together. All decor is donated, hand made, and carefully planned out to create a magical experience. Faculty and staff are also known to dress the part, becoming characters for attendees to interact with. This year, the halls of the first floor were filled with memory walls, including photos submitted by faculty and staff of their best memories. As guests walked in, they could hear the sounds of Riley’s hockey team playing in room 102 where they could compete in a hockey match of their own. Headquarters (Room 108) was complete with a homemade control panel making use of fidget toys, colorful craft items, and various buttons. Across the hall was Imagination Land, a room full of childlike imagination. Magical creatures roamed about, Cloud Town caught people’s eyes, and a giant house of cards was on the table where everyone worked on fun activities. Finally, down the hall, Swiftie Island housed friendship bracelet making and Sports Island provided ping pong and mini golf. All throughout the building laughter and fun could be seen and heard.
“As a business staff, we look forward to walking over to the math building together to see what amazing things they've done for that year,” says Geosciences staff member Heather Alvarez, “They all do such a great job each year and it motivates us as a group to try and be more enthusiastic. It helps build a sense of comradery. You can tell that Math takes pride in their work and it is something that all other COS departments look forward to each year. They should be commended for their efforts. Real ‘Bear Down’ pride!”
Overall, Math Halloween has made quite a name for itself. Word of mouth drives up attendance each year and helps support a good cause. Learn more about past Halloween events HERE.