Math Placement Test (PPL)

About the Math Placement Test (PPL Assessment) 

The PPL Assessment is an online proctored assessment that places students into courses at or below the level of Calculus I (Math 122A/B, 125).

It can be taken on your own computer or laptop, at whichever time is convenient for you.

This is not a test that you pass or fail. It is designed to get you started in the right level course for you based on your major and score.

  • We encourage all students to take the PPL Assessment; however, if you have recent transfer math credit, you may be able to use a transfer math course for placement into a U of A MATH course.
  • Incoming students should first review the information in their Next Steps Center before accessing the PPL Assessment.

Get creative with your setup to ensure you're following testing guidelines.

PPL Testing

Keep your head, hands, and table in view at all times.

You can use an approved calculator, writing utensil, and blank scratch paper.

Important Steps Before Proceeding to the PPL Assessment

Please carefully read through the steps below for important information about the PPL rules, webcam and microphone set up, test environment, and other information before completing the PPL Assessment.



Incoming students can access the Math Placement test and corresponding information in their Next Steps Center 

What to Expect
  • 25 questions that must be completed in one sitting. You will be given 3 hours to complete, it generally takes 1 hour. 
  • Take it as if you are taking an in-person exam (i.e. no outside resources allowed, sitting alone at a desk/table, and in a quiet environment.) 
  • You can use an approved calculator, blank scratch paper, and a writing utensil. 
  • You need a webcam with a microphone.  In your recorded testing session, your head, workspace, and hands must be in view at all times 
  • There is a testing fee for most students.



Reminder: This assessment is to be completed by you alone to ensure an accurate assessment of your current mathematical skills. No one else should be in the room with you and you should receive no outside assistance. 

What you will Need
  • Your U of A NET ID and PASSWORD 
  • A photo ID (driver's license, passport, or school ID are preferred) 
  • You can use an approved calculator (see list here), scratch paper, and writing materials. No other items are allowed. 
  • You must be at a desk or table in a quiet space with your head, workspace, and hands in view at all times. 


Required Technology


Test Integrity and Rules
  • Artificially high test results can be detrimental to student success and may result in a failing grade in your Math course. It is important to make an honest and unassisted attempt at the PPL Assessment to help you be successful in your Math course.  This is why your head, workspace and hands must be in view at all times. 
  • Take this exam as if you were taking an in-person proctored exam. Do not make use of any outside materials or persons while taking this assessment. Do not access any resources other than the approved materials listed below, such as a phone, tablet, another computer or device, videos about math, notes, books, etc. or communicate with other people.  You must be sitting at a desk or table in a quiet workspace. 
  • Your score is not finalized until your recorded testing session has been reviewed, even if your score has already been processed into the U of A system.  
  • If your head, workspace, and hands are not in full view for the duration of the PPL session, your score may be invalidated.
  • Any suspicious behavior or violation of testing rules may result in an invalidated test score and may be reported to the Dean of Students as a violation of the U of A Code of Conduct and may be added to your U of A record. If your score is invalidated, it is removed from the U of A system and you may need to retest for a fee. 


Ready? Take the PPL
  1.  Your head, hands, and workspace must be in full view for the duration of the session. See photos above.
  2.  Write down the proctor password: PPLUAMATH2526
  3.  Click HERE to access the PPL Assessment
  4.  Make sure you view your Score Report right when you finish the PPL Assessment to view your score. 




All PPL Assessment sessions are recorded and reviewed.

Check your Scores


What course did I place into?

Compare your PPL score with our Math Course Placement Chart

Test scores expire after 1 year for most courses


Review and Retest


General PPL Assessment FAQs:

Since your placement score from the PPL expires around a year after your testing session, it is important to take your math course soon after completing the PPL Assessment. 

If you find that your score has expired and you no longer have access to the PPL Assessment, contact us here to request to retake the PPL.  

If you do not have access to a computer or webcam, limited In Person Testing is available. Contact the Math Placement Office to schedule an in-person testing session in the Mathematics Building of the University of Arizona campus.

You can find more FAQs HERE.


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