Books |
I |
Editor Nonlinear Wave Motion. Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Vol.15, AMS Providence (1974). |
II |
Solitons in Mathematics and Physics. CBMS Lectures, Vol.48, SIAM (1985). |
Nonlinear Optics (with J. V. Moloney). Advanced Topics in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Addison-Wesley (1992). Second Edition appeared in paperback, 2003. Westbrook. |
Articles |
1. |
Propagation of Nonlinear Wave Envelopes, Journal of Mathematics and Physics, (currently Studies in
Applied Mathematics) 46 ,133 - 139, (1967) (with D. J. Benney). |
2. |
Statistical Properties of the Sea, Physics of Fluids Special Issue, Kyoto Meeting of International Union of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, September 1966, 10, S281, (1967) (with D. J. Benney). |
3. |
Sequential Time Closures of Interacting Random Waves, Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 46, 363,
(1967) (with D.J. Benney). |
4. |
The Closure Problem in a System of Random Gravity Waves, Reviews of Geophysics, 6, 1-31, (1968). |
5. |
An Alternative Proof of the Poincaré -Bertrand Formula for Real Integrals and Its Generalization to N
Dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 24, 149-155, (1968). |
6. |
Random Wave Closures, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 48 1, 29-53, (1969) (with D. J. Benney). |
7. |
Rossby Wave Packet Interactions, J Fluid Mech., 35, 255-271, (1969). |
8. |
Finite Bandwidth, Finite Amplitude Convection, J Fluid Mech., 38, 279-303,(1969)(with J. A. Whitehead). |
9. |
Review of the Finite Bandwidth Concept, Proceedings International Union of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Symposium on Instability of Continuous systems, Harrenalb, 284-289, (1969), Ed. H. Leipholz,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1971) (with J. A. Whitehead). |
10. |
Random Convection, J Fluid Mech., 40, 513-542, (1970) (with C. G. Lange and P.J. Aucoin). |
11. |
Semidispersive Wave Systems, J. Fluid Mech., 49, 593-609, (1971) (with P.J Aucoin). |
12. |
The Postbuckling Problem for Thin Elastic Shells, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 21, 605-629, (1971)
(with C. G. Lange). |
13. |
The Postbifurcation State of Baroclinic Instability, Journal of Atmospheric Science, 29, 64-76, (1972). |
14. |
Semi-resonant Interactions and Frequency Dividers, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 52, 51-74, (1973) (with M. J. Ablowitz and B. Funk). |
15. |
The Decay of the Continuous Spectrum for Solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation, Journal of
Mathematical Physics, 14, 1277-1284(1973) (with M. J. Ablowitz). |
16. |
Method for Solving the Sine-Gordon Equation, Physical Review Letters, 30, 1262-1264, (1973) (with
M.J.Ablowitz, D.J. Kaup and H.Segur). |
17. |
Nonlinear Evolution Equations of Physical Significance, Physical Review Letters, 31, 125-127, (1973) (with M.
J. Ablowitz, D. J. Kaup and H. Segur). |
18. |
Envelope Equations, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Vol.15, Nonlinear Wave Motion, American
Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 157-163, (1974). |
19. |
A Stability Criterion for Envelope Equations, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 27, 441, (1974) (with C.
G. Lange). |
20. |
Coherent Pulse Propagation, a Dispersive, Irreversible Phenomenon, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 15,
1852-1858, (1974) (with M. J. Ablowitz and D. J. Kaup). PDF |
21. |
The Inverse Scattering Transform - Fourier Analysis for Nonlinear Problems, Studies in Applied Mathematics,
53, 294-315, (1974) (with M. J. Ablowitz, D. J. Kaup and H. Segur). |
22. |
Integrable Systems of Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Proceedings Battelle Summer Institute on Dynamical
Systems, July 1974, 355-441. Editor: J. Moser, Springer-Verlag (1975) (with H. Flaschka). |
23. |
The Interrelation Between Bäcklund Transformations and the Inverse Scattering Transform, Proceedings of
Conference on Bäcklund Transformations (1975). Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 115, 227, (1976). |
24. |
Spherical Shells Like Hexagons, Cylinders Prefer Diamonds, Journal of Applied Mechanics, (June 1976),
575-581, (with C. G. Lange). |
25. |
Synchronized Solitons, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 18, 922-926, (1977). |
26. |
Breakdown of Zakharov-Shabat Theory and Soliton Creation, Physical Review Letters, 38, 377 - 380, (1977)
(with L.G . Redekopp). |
27. |
Finite Amplitude Instabilities of Partial Difference Equations, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 33, 133-
160, (1977). |
28. |
Near Integrable Systems, Nonlinear Tunnelling and Solitons in Slowly Changing Media. Proc. Conference on
the Inverse Spectral Transform, Room, (June 1977). Research Notes in Mathematics, 26, 127-189.
Publisher: Pitman, London. Editor: F. Calogero. |
29. |
On the Coleman correspondence and the solution of the massive Thirring model, Lett. Nuovo Cimento,
20(1977), pp.325-331, (with D. J. Kaup). |
30. |
The Goursat and Cauchy Problems for the Sine-Gordon Equation, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 34,
37-54, (1978) (with D. J. Kaup). |
31. |
Long Waves, Short Waves; a Solvable Model, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 35, 650-664, (1978). |
32. |
The Inverse Scattering Transform, Nonlinear Waves, Singular Perturbations and Synchionized Solitons,
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 8, 25-52, (1978). |
33. |
Solitons As Particles and Oscillators and in Slowly Changing Media: A Singular Perturbation Theory, Proc.
Roy. Soc. London A., 361, 413446, (1978) (with D. J. Kaup). |
34. |
An Exact Solution for a Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 19,
798-801, (1978) (with D. J. Kaup). |
35. |
Nonlinear Tunnelling, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 19, 1126-1133, (1978). |
36. |
Theory of Nonlinear Oscillating Dipolar Excitations in One-Dimensional Condensates, Phys. Rev. B., 18,
5162-5167, (1978). |
37. |
Soliton Perturbations and Nonlinear Focusing: Soliton Structure and Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Solid
State Sciences, 8, 52-67, (1978). Eds. A. R. Bishop and T. Schneider, Springer-Verlag. |
38. |
Evolution Equations, Singular Dispersion Relations and Moving Eigenvalues, Advances in Mathematics, 31,
67-100, (1979) (with D. J. Kaup). |
39. |
The General Structure of Integrable Evolution Equations, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A, 365, 283-311, (1979). |
40. |
Bifurcation and Nonlinear Focusing, Pattern Formation and Pattern Recognition, 244-265. Series on
Synergetics, Springer-Verlag (1979), Editor: H. Haken. |
41. |
The Inverse Scattering Transform. Solitons. Topics in Current Physics, 17, 177-242. Eds. R. Bullough and P.
Caudrey. Springer-Verlag (1980). |
42. |
Shelves and the Korteweg-de Vries Equation, J Fluid Mech., 98, Part 4, 803-818, (1980) (with C.
Knickerbocker). |
43. |
Monodromy and Spectrum Preserving Deformations, Comm. Math. Phys., 76, 65-116, (1980) (with H.
Flaschka). PDF |
44. |
Internal Solitary Waves Near a Turning Point, Phys. Lett., 75-A, No.5., 326-330, (1980) (with C.
Knickerbocker). |
45. |
How Internal Waves Travelling on a Thermocline Change Polarity Near Critical Points. Developments in
Theoretical and Applied Mech., 10, Proc. 10th SE Conf. on Theor. and Appi. Mechs., 581-603. Ed. J. Stoneking, University of Tennessee (1980) (with C. Knickerbocker). |
46. |
Multiphase Similarity Solutions of Integrable Evolution Equations, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math.,
54, 373-395, (1980). Physica D 3, 203-222, (1981) (with H. Flaschka). |
47. |
The Mechanism by Which Many Partial Difference Equations Destabilize,Proc. 1981 Conf. on Synergetics,
Schloss Elmau. Chaos and Order in Nature, 269-274. Ed. H. Haken. Series on Synergetics, Springer-Verlag
(1981) (with W. Briggs and T. Sarie). |
48. |
Chaos in the Inhomogeneously Driven Sine-Gordon Equation, Phys. Lett., 87A, 14, (1981) (with P.S.
Lomdahl, J. C. Eilbeck). |
49. |
Propagation of surface and internal solitary waves in non uniform media, Applied Scientific Research 39:111-
126, (1981) (with C. Knickerbocker).
50. |
The Inverse Monodromy Transform Is a Canonical Transformation, Math. Studies, 61, 65-91. Eds. A. Bishop,
D. Campbell, B. Nickolaenko, Publ. North Holland (1982) (with H. Flaschka). |
51. |
Two-Dimensional Convection Patterns in Large Aspect Ratio Systems, Lecture Notes in Num. Appl. Anal., 5,
205-231, (1982). |
52. |
Focusing: A Mechanism For Instability of Nonlinear Finite Difference Equations, J Comp. Phys, 51, 83-106,
(1983) (with W. L. Briggs and T. Sarie). |
53. |
Kac-Moody Algebras and Soliton Equations: Lax Equations Associated With A1(1), Physica D 9, 300-323,
(1983) (with H. Flaschka and T. Ratiu). |
54. |
Kac-Moody Lie Algebras and Soliton Equations: Stationary Equations Associated With A1(1). Physica D 9,
324-332, (1983) (with H. Flaschka and T. Ratiu). |
55. |
Solitary Waves as Fixed Points of Infinite Dimensional Maps in an Optically Bistable Ring Cavity, Physical
Review Letters, 51, 75-78, (1983) (with D. McLaughlin and J. Moloney). |
56. |
The History of the Soliton. 50th Anniversary Volume, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 105, 1127-1138, (1983). |
57. |
Convection Patterns in Large Aspect Ratio Systems, Physica D 10, 299-328, (1984) (with M. Cross). PDF |
58. |
Non-Predictable Behavior in Partial Differential Equations, Proc. of "Workshop on Instabilities in Continuous
Media," Interassociation Committee on Mathematical Geophysics, International Union Geodesy and
Geophysics, sponsored by IUGG, National Science Foundation, (December 3-7), 1984, Venice (with D.
McLaughlin and J. Moloney). |
59. |
An Infinite Dimensional Map from Optical Bistability Whose Regular and Chaotic Attractors Contain Solitary
Waves, in Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, 94-119. Ed. J. Chandra, SIAM (1984) (with J. V. Moloney
and D.W. McLaughlin). |
60. |
Reflections from Solitary Waves in Channels of Decreasing Depth, J Fluid Mech., 153, 1-16, (1985) (with C.
J. Knickerbocker). |
61. |
A New Class of Instabilities in Passive Optical Cavities, Physical Review Letters, 54, 681, (1985) (with D.
McLaughlin and J. Moloney). |
62. |
The Shape of Stationary Dislocations, Phys. Lett A, 113, 5, 289-292, (1985) (with D. Meiron). |
63. |
Chaos and Turbulence; Is There a Connection? Special Proc. of Conf. on Mathematics Applied to Fluid
Mechanics and Stability Dedicated in Memory of Richard C. Diprima, published by SIAM, 157-189, (1986). |
64. |
Chaos and Coherent Structures in Partial Differential Equations, Physica D 18, 85-112, (1986) (with A.
Aceves, H. Adachihara, C. Jones, J. C. Lerman, D. McLaughlin, J. Moloney). |
65. |
The Hirota Conditions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 27, 2016-2021, (1986) (with Zeng Yunbo). |
66. |
Soliton Mathematics, SMS A'ato Advanced Study Institute, Vol.103, Published by the University of Montreal,
survey article pages 89-116, (1986) (with T. Ratiu, M. Tabor and Z. Yunbo). |
67. |
Benjamin-Feir Turbulence in Convective Binary Mixtures, Physica D 23, 345-361, (1986) (with H. Brand, P.
Lomdahl). |
68. |
Chaos and Turbulence. Proc. Wood's Hole Summer Seminar in Geographical Fluid Dynamics on "Shear
Flow Turbulence," WHOI-8645, 90-103, (1986). |
69. |
Evolution of the Order Parameter in Situations with Broken Rotational Symmetry, Phys. Letters A, 118, 67-73,
(1986) (with H. Brand and P. Lomdahl). |
70. |
A Unified Approach to Painleve Expansions, Physica D 29, l-68, (1987), (with M. Tabor and Y. Zeng). |
71. |
The Dynamics of Patterns: A survey, Springer Proc. in Physics, Proc. Conf. on "Propagation in
Nonequilibrium Systems" at Les Houches 1987, Springer-Verlag Publisher, 122-155, (1987). |
72. |
Wavenumber Selection of Convection Rolls in a Box, Phys. Fluids, 30 (12), 3840-3842, (1987) (with W. Arter
and A. Bernoff). |
73. |
Fixed Points and Chaotic Dynamics of an Infinite Dimensional Map. Chaos, Noise and Fractals, 137-186(
with J V Moloney, H. Adachihara, D. W. McLaughlin). |
74. |
A Calculus Curriculum for the Nineties. Proceedings NRC-MAA "Calculus Curriculum" (October 1987) (with
D. Lovelock). |
75. |
Turbulent transport and the random occurrence of coherent events. "Plasma Theory and Nonlinear and
Turbulent Processes in Physics" Kiev, USSR, (13-25 April 1987) Vol.1, 471-487, Eds. V. G. Bar'yakhtar, V.
M. Chernousenko, N. S. Erokhin, A. G. Sitenko, V. E. Zakharov, World Scientific. |
76. |
Lax Pairs, Backlund Transformations and Special Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations, Nonlinearity
1,1-10, (1988) (with J. D. Gibbon, M. Tabor and Y. B. Zeng). |
77. |
Solitary Waves as Fixed Points of Infinite-Dimensional Maps for an Optical Bistable Ring Cavity: Analysis,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 29 (1), 63-85, (1988) (with H. Adachihara, D.W. McLaughlin and J.V.
Moloney). |
78. |
Numerical Simulation of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in Shallow Tanks, Physics of Fluids, 31,2474-
2485,(1988) (with W. Arter). |
79. |
Reflection, Transmission and Stability Characteristics of Optical Beams Incident at Nonlinear Dielectric
Interfaces, Journal Optical Society of America, B. Special issue on Nonlinear Waveguldes 5, 559, (1988). Eds.
G. I. Stegeman and R. H. Stolen.(with A. Aceves, and J. Moloney). |
80. |
Snell's Laws at the Interface Between Nonlinear Dielectrics, Phys. Lett. A, 129 (4), 231-235, (1988) (with A.
B. Aceves and J. V. Moloney). |
81. |
Theory of Beam Reflection, Transmission, Trapping and Breakup at Nonlinear Optical Interfaces, Optical
Bistability IV (1988) (with A. B. Aceves and J. V. Moloney). |
82. |
Reflection and Transmission of Self-focussed Channels at Nonlinear Dielectric Interfaces, Optics Lett., 13
(11), 1002-1004, (1988) (with A. B. Aceves and J. V. Moloney). |
83. |
Turbulent Dissipation Rates and the Random Occurrence of Coherent Events, Phys. Lett. A 132(2,3), 112-
123, (1988) (with D. A. Rand and D. Russell). |
84. |
Beam Reflection, Transmission and Trapping at Nonlinear Optical Interfaces, Math. Comput Modelling,
Vol.11, 101-105, (1988) (with A. Aceves and J. V. Moloney). |
85. |
Turbulent Transport and the Random Occurrence of Coherent Events, Physica D 33, 281-303, (1988) (with
D.A. Rand and D.Russell). |
86. |
The Dynamics of Patterns: A Suvey, in Propagation in Systems Far from Equilibrium, 122-125, Ed. J. E.
Wesfried, H. R. Brand, P. Manneville, G. Albinet, N. Boccara, Springer-Verlag (1988). |
87. |
Convection at Finite Rayleigh Number in large Aspect Ratio Containers; 1988, in press in NATO ASI
SERIES, "New trends in nonlinear dynamics and pattern forming phenomena" (with T. Passot, M. Souli). |
88. |
Theory of Light Beam Propagation at Nonlinear Interfaces: I. Equivalent Particle Theory for a Single
Interface, Physical Review A, 39 (4), 1809-1827, (1989) (with A. B. Aceves and J.V. Moloney). |
89. |
Theory of Light Beam Propagation at Nonlinear Interfaces: II. Multiple Particle and Multiple Interface
Extensions, Physical Review A, 39, 1828-1840, (1989) (with A. B. Aceves and J. V. Moloney). |
90. |
The Dynamics and Analysis of Patterns, Article in "Complex Systems", Santa Fe Institute Studies in the
Sciences of Complexity. Edited by Daniel Stein (Reading MA: Addison-Wesley 1989) Vol. VII. |
91. |
Nonlinear Wave Propagation Through a Random Medium and Soliton Tunneling, in Integrable Systems and Applications, Lecture Notes in Physics, 342, 49-64, (1989) Springer-Verlag, Berlin Eds. M. Batabane, P.
Lochart, C. Sulem (1989) (with J. Caputo and M. Shelley). |
92. |
Focus Instability in Axisymetric Rayleigh-Benard Convection, in IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear
Hydrodynamic Stability and Transition, Ed.G. looss,Nice, France September 1989 (with T. Passot, M. Souli). |
93. |
Particle Aspects of Collimated Light Channel Propagation at Nonlinear Interfaces and in Waveguides, J. Opt.
Soc. Amer. B 7 (6), 963-964, (1990) (with A. Aceves, H. Adachihara, D. R. Heatley, G. I. Stegeman, E. M.
Wright, P. Varatharajah and J. V. Moloney). |
94. |
Modulational Induced Optical Pattern Formation in a Passive Optical Feedback System, JOSA B, 7 (6). 1039-
1044, (1990) (with J. V. Moloney, H. Adachihara, R. Indik, C. Lizarraga, R. Norilicurt, and D. W. McLaughlin). |
95. |
Nonlinear Optics. Physica D 44, 1-37, (1990) (with J. V. Moloney). |
96. |
The Phase Diffusion and Mean Drift Equations for Convection at Finite Rayleigh Numbers in Large
Containers. J.Fluid Mech., 220, 187-252, (1990) (with T. Passot and M. Souli). |
97. |
Transverse Instabilities in Laser Diode Arrays under Free-running and Injection Locking Conditions.
Proceedings of Conference in Dynamics in Optical Systems, Oklahoma (1990) (with P. K. Jakobsen, R. A.
Indik, J. V. Moloney). |
98. |
Transmission, Reflection, and Trapping of Collimated Light Beams in Diffusive Kerr-like Nonlinear Media,
Phys. Rev. A, 42 (3), 1767-1774, (1990) (with P. Varatharajah, J. V. Moloney, A. B. Aceves). |
99. |
Diffraction/Diffusion Mediated Instabilities in Self-focusing/Defocusing Nonlinear Amplilying Media, in the
Technical Digest on Nonlinear Dynamics of Optical Systems Afton, Oklahoma (1990) (with P. K. Jakobsen,
J. V. Moloney, R. A. Indik). |
100. |
Convection at Finite Rayleigh Numbers in Large Aspect Ratio Containers, Physical Review Letters, 64 (20),
2378-2381, (1990) (with T. Passot and M. Souli). |
101. |
Phase-Mean Drift Equation for Convection Patterns in Large Aspect Ratio Containers, in Nonlinear Evolution
of Spatio- Temporal Structures in Dissipative Continuous Systems, 197 (1990), Eds. F. H. Busse, L. Kramer.
NATO ASI SERIES B 225, Plenum Press (with T. Passot, M. Souli). |
102. |
Integrability, What is Integrability?. Ed. V. E. Zakharov, published by Springer-Verlag Series in Nonlinear
Dynamics, 73-114 (1991) (with H. Flaschka and M. Tabor). |
103. |
Competition between Generic and Nongeneric Fronts in Envelope Equations, Phys. Rev. A, 44 (6), 3636-
3652, (1991) (with J. A. Powell and C.K.R.T. Jones). |
104. |
Local Adaptive Galerkin Bases for Large-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, Nonlinearity, 4 (2),159-197,(1991)
(with D. Broomhead, R. Indik, D. Rand). |
105. |
Diode Laser Array Modes: Discrete and Continuous Models and Their Stability, J Opt. Soc. Am. B, 8 (8),
1674-1680 (1991) (with P. K. Jakobsen, R. A. Indik, J. V. Moloney, H. G. Winful, L. Ralunan). |
106. |
The Phase-Diffusion Equation and its Regularization for Natural Convective Patterns, Workshop on Large-
Scale Structures in Nonlinear Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, 392, Eds. J. D. Fournier, P. L. Sulem, Ville
Franche, Springer-Verlag, January 14-18 (1991) (with T. Passot). |
107. |
Intermittency and Turbulence, Phys Rev. Letters, 67 (23), 3243-3246 (1991) (with E. Kuznetsov and V. E.
Zakharov). |
108. |
Focus Instability in Axisymmetric Rayleigh-Bénard Convection, Eur. J Mech B-Fluids, 10 (2)151-157(1991)
(with T. Passot and M. Souli). |
109. |
Instabilities of Dislocations in Fluid Patterns (with T. Passot), Phys. Rev. Letters, 68 (12), 1846-1849 (1992). |
110. |
Space-Time Dynamics of Wide-Gain-Section Lasers (with P. K. Jakobsen, J. V.Moloney, RA. Indik), Phys.
Rev. A 45(11), 8129-8137(1992). |
111. |
Optical Turbulence: Weak Turbulence, Condensates and Collapsing Filaments in the Nonlinear Schrodinger
Equation, Physica D 57, 96-160, (1992) (with S. Dyachenko, A. Pushkarev, and V. E. Zakharov). PDF |
112. |
Rough Sea Foam, Phys. Rev. Letters. 63, 1149-1151, (1992) (with V. E.Zakharov). |
113. |
Inverse Cascades in Turbulence, Physica D 61, 213-216 (1992). |
114. |
Spatial Soliton Optical Switches: A Soliton-Based Equivalent Particle Approach, Opt. and Quant. Electron. 24, S1269-S1293, (1992) (with J. V. Moloney, and A. B. Aceves). |
115. |
Spatio-Temporal Structures in Wide Aperture Lasers, NATO ASI on Nonlinear Dynamics and Spatial
Complexit,' in Optical Systems, Edinburgh, Scofland, Aug.23 - Sept. 4 (1992) (with J. V. Moloney). |
116. |
Beam Collapse as an Explanation for Anomalous Ocular Damage, J Opt. Soc. Am. B 10, 230-1241(1993)
(with J. A. Powell, J. V. Moloney, R. A. Albanese). |
117. |
Order Parameter Equations for Patterns, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 25, 399-453 (January 1993)
(with T. Passot and J. Lega). |
118. |
Stationary nonlinear waves guided by thin films bounded by nonlinear difflisive media, J Opt. Soc. Am. B. 10,
No.1 (January 1993) (with P. Varatharajah, J. V. Moloney, and E. M. Wright). |
119. |
Turbulent Crystals in Macroscopic Systems, J Phys. A, 26, 429-434, (1993) (with Yves Pomeau). |
120. |
Space-Time Complexity in Nonlinear Optics, Physica D, 68, 127-134, (1993) (with J. V. Moloney, P. K.
Jakobsen. J. Lega and S. G. Wenden). |
121. |
Do Resonantly Forced Internal Solitary Waves Protect the Fuel of Hurricanes?, Phys. Rev. Letters 71,
(12)1951-1954 (1993) (with K. W. Chow and R. A. Indik). |
122. |
Amplitude Instabilities of Transverse Traveling Waves in Lasers, Phys. Rev. Letters 71, (11) 1709 (1993)
(with Q. Feng and J. V. Moloney). |
123. |
The Effects of Normal Dispersion on Collapse Events, Physica D, 74, (1, 2), 59-73 (1994) (with G. G. Luther
and J. V. Moloney). |
124. |
Towards a Universal Theory for Natural Patterns, Physica D, 74, (3, 4) 301-352 (1994) (with T. Passot). PDF |
125. |
Short-Pulse Conical Emission and Spectral Broadening in Normally Dispersive Media, Opt. Lett. 19, (11),
789-791(1994) (with G. G. Luther and J. V. Moloney). |
126. |
Nonlinear Tranverse Modes of Large-Aspect-Ratio Homogeneously Broadened Lasers: I. Analysis and
Numerical Simulation, Phys. Rev. A. 49, (5), 4189-4200 (1994) (with P. K. Jakobsen, J. Lega, Q. Feng, M.
Staley, J. V. Moloney). |
127. |
Nonlinear Tranverse Modes of Large-Aspect-Ratio Homogeneously Broadened Lasers: II. Pattern Analysis
Near and Beyond Threshold, Phys. Rev. A., 49, (5), 4201-4212 (1994) (with J. Lega, P. K. Jakobsen, and J.
V. Moloney). |
128. |
Self-Focusing Threshold in Normally Dispersive Media, Opt. Lett., 19 (12), 862-864 (1994) (with G. C Luther,
J. V. Moloney, D. E. Hart and Ewan Wright). |
129. |
Communication through plasma sheaths via Raman scattering processes, Physics of Plasmas (former Phys.
Fluids B). 1-2827-2834, (1994) (with S. V. Nazarenko and V. E. Zakharov). |
130. |
Patterns in Nonlinear Optics. A Paradigm. Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Nonequilibrium ComplexSystems.
Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Spatio-Temporal Patterns inNonequilibrium
Complex Systems", held in Santa Fe, NM, April 13-17, 1993, Addison-Weslev Publishing Co. part of series
of the Santa Fe Institute's Studies in the Sciences of Complexity (Nov. 1994). |
131. |
Computing for Pattern Forming Systems in Nonlinear Optics, Special Issue of "Solitons, Nonlinear Wave
Equations and Computation" of the Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 37 (385403) (with
R. A. Indik), (1994). |
132. |
Transverse Patterns in Lasers, Phys. Rev. A., 50 (5), R1-R4 (1994) (with Q. Feng and J. V. Moloney). |
133. |
Optical Turbulence. Turbulence: a tentative dictionary, 59 - 66. edited by P. Tabeling, 0. Cardoso,
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Studv Institute "Turbulence, Weak and Strong". NATO ASI Series.
Vol.341(1994) (with V. E. Zakharov). |
134. |
The Swift-Hohenberg Equation for Lasers, Phys. Rev. Letts. 73 (22), 2978-2981(1994) (with J. Lega and J.
V. Moloney). |
135. |
Resonant Absorption of Short Pulses. Phys. Rev. A., 197, 159-163 (1995) (with S. V. Nazarenko, and A. M.
Rubenchik). |
136. |
Tranverse Traveling Wave Patterns and Instabilities in Lasers (with Q. Feng, R. Indik, J. Lega, J.V. Moloney
and M. Staley) Special Issue on 'Nonlinear Optics", Springer-Verlag. (1995). |
137. |
Elementary and Composite Defects of Striped Patterns, J Physique II, France 5, 1863-1882 (1995) (with T.
Passot, N. Ercolani and R. Indik). |
138. |
Universal Description of Laser Dynamics Near Threshold, Physica D, 83 (4), 478-498 (1995) (with J. Lega
and J. V. Moloney). PDF |
139. |
Phase Diffusion and Phase Propagation. Interesting Connections, Physica D, 87 (14). 216-232 (1995) (with
Y. Pomeau). |
140. |
Communication with Reentry Space Vehicles via Short Pulses. AGU Radio Science, 30, (6). 1753-1766
(1995) (with S. Nazarenko and A.Rubenchik). |
141. |
The mean flows driven by sandbar instabilities (with N.L. Komarova) Nonlinear dynamics and pattern
formation in the natural environment. Pgs. 147-167. Edited by A. Doelman and A. van Harten. Published by
Longman (1995). |
142. |
Defects are weak and self-dual solutions of the Cross-Newell phase diffusion equation for natural patterns
(with C.Bowman, N. Ercolani, R. Indik and T. Passot) Physica D 97 185-205 (1996). PDF |
143. |
Natural Patterns and Wavelets (with C Bowman) Rev. Mod. Phys. Colloquium Series 70, 289-301, (1998). |
144. |
Statistical description of Acoustic Turbulence (with V.L'vov,Y.L'vov and V.E.Zakharov) Phys. Review E 56,390
(1997). |
145. |
A Wavelet based Algorithm for Pattern Analysis. (with C.Bowman, T.Passot and M. Assenheimer) Physica D
119, 3-4, 250-282 (1998). |
146. |
Patterns, Defects and Integrability. (with C.Bowman, N.Ercolani, R.Indik, T.Passot). Physica D 123 (1998)
474-492. |
147. |
Semiconductor Lasers and Kolmogorov Spectra 1997 (with Y.L'vov). Phys. Letts. A 235 499-503 (1997)
148. |
Resonant Quasiperiodic Patterns in a Three-Dimensional Lasing Medium (with N.Komarova, B.Malomed,
and J.Moloney). Phys. Rev. A. 56, 803 (1997). |
149. |
Quantum Weak Turbulence with applications to Semiconductor Lasers. (with Y.L'vov and R. Binder). Physica
D 121 317-343 (1998). |
150. |
The Competition between Nonlinearity, Dispersion and Randomness in Signal Propagation. (with
N.Komarova). IMA Journal Appl. Math. 63 1-20 (1999). |
151. |
The Geometry of the Phase Diffusion Equation (with N. Ercolani, R. Indik and T. Passot). J. Nonlinear
Science, 10, 223-274 (2000). PDF |
152. |
Nonlinear dynamics of sand banks and sand waves. (with N.Komarova). J Fluid. Mech.415, 285-321 (2000)
153. |
Weak Turbulence of incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. (with S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko and A. Pouquet)
J Plasma Physics, 63, 447-488 (2000). PDF |
154. |
Weak Turbulence of incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. (with S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko and A. Pouquet)
Lecture notes in Physics 536. T.Passot and P.L.Sulem eds. Springer-Verlag (1999). |
155. |
Finite flux solutions of the quantum Boltzmann equation and semiconductor lasing. (with Y.V.Lvov) Phys. Rev.
Letts. 84, 1894-1897 (2000). |
156. |
Shock bowing and vorticity dynamics during propagation into different transverse density profiles. (with
K.Kremeyer and S.Nazarenko). Physica D 163, 150-165 (2002). |
157. |
Wave Turbulence and Intermittency (with L. Biven and S. Nazarenko). Physica D 152/153, 520-550 (2001). PDF |
158. |
Wave Turbulence is almost always Intermittent at either small or large scales. Studies in Applied Mathematics
108, 39 (2002). |
159. |
Lecture Notes on Wave Turbulence. Lectures on wave turbulence and intermittency in Nonlinear PDE’s in
condensed matter and reactive flows. NATO Science Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume
569, pp. 227-271 (2002). Eds. H. Berestycki and Y. Pomeau. Publ. Kluwer Acad. Publ. |
160. |
Breakdown of Wave Turbulence and Intermittency (with L. Biven and S. Nazarenko). Phys. Lett. A 280, Vol
1/2, 28-32 (2001). |
161. |
Coherent structures and entropy in constrained, modulationally unstable, nonintegrable systems. Phys. Rev.
Letters 87, 102-105 (July 2001). |
162. |
On Wave Turbulence in MHD (with S. Galtier and S. Nazarenko). Nonlinear Processes in
Geophysics 8(3), 141-150 (2001). |
163. |
Nonlocal MHD Turbulence (with S. Galtier and S. Nazarenko). Physica D 152/153, 646-652 (2001). |
164. |
Anisotropic turbulence of Shear-Alfven waves (with S. Galtier, S. Nazarenko and A. Pouquet).
Astrophys. J. Lett. 564, L49-L52 (2002). |
165. |
Non-stationary spectra of Local Wave Turbulence (with C. Connaughton and Y. Pomeau). Physica D 184,
64-85 (2003). PDF |
166. |
Dimensional Analysis and Weak Turbulence (with C. Connaughton and S. Nazarenko). Physica D 184,
86-97 (2003). |
167. |
Localization and Coherence in nonintegrable systems (with B.Rumpf). Physica D 184, 162-191 (2003). PDF |
168. |
Structure functions and breakdown criteria for wave turbulence (with L. Biven, and C.
Connaughton). Physica D 184, 98-113 (2003). |
169. |
Patterns far from onset: Convection in shallow elliptical containers: A case study (with N. Ercolani, R. Indik,
and T. Passot). Physica D 184, 127-140 (2003). PDF |
170. |
Phyllotactic patterns on plants (with P. Shipman). Phys. Rev. Lett 92, 168102 (2004). |
171. |
Intermittency as a consequence of turbulent transport in nonlinear systems (with B. Rumpf). Physical
Review E 69, 026306, 1-4 (2004). |
172. |
A model for fingerprint formation (with M. Kuecken) Europhysics letters. 68 (1) 141-146 (2004). |
173. |
Polygonal planforms and phyllotaxis on plants (with P. Shipman) J. Theor. Bio 236, 154-197 (2005). PDF |
174. |
Fingerprint formation (with M. Kuecken). J. Theor. Bio 235, 71-83 (2005). PDF |
175. |
Invariant measures and entropy production in wave turbulence (with P. Jakobsen), J. STAT. L10002 (2004). |
176. |
Mean creep: The soft mode of elastic sheet buckling (with M. Kuecken and P. Shipman). Physica D 205, 181-
188 (2005). |
177. |
Inverse Scattering Method. Encyclopaedia of Nonlinear Science. Ed. A.C. Scott. Publ. Taylor-Francis (2004). |
178. |
Plants and Fibonacci (with P. Shipman). J. Stat. Phys. 121, 937-968 (2005). PDF |
179. |
Finite time collapse of N classified fields described by coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations. (with D.C.
Roberts). Phys. Rev. E 74, 047602 (2006). |
180. |
Conical refraction and nonlinearity (with R. Indik) Optics Express 14, 10614-10620 (2006). |
181. |
Communication through plasma sheaths (with A. Korotkevich and V.E. Zakharov). J. Appl. Phys 102, 083305 (2007). PDF |
182. |
The role of the generalized Phillips' spectrum in wave turbulence (with V.E. Zakharov). Phys. Lett. A 372, 4230-4233 (2008). |
183. |
Phyllotaxis as an example of the symbiosis of mechanical forces and biochemical processes in living tissue (with P.Shipman and Sun Zhiying). Plant Signalling and Behavior 3 , 1-4, (2008). |
184. |
Phyllotaxis: Cooperation and competition between mechanical and biochemical processes. (with P. Shipman and Sun Zhiying). J. Theo. Bio. 251, 421-439 (2008). PDF |
185. |
A new invariant in plant phyllotaxis (with P.Shipman). Journal of Analysis and Applications 6 , 383-399 (2008). Special Volume in honor of Martin Kruskal.
186. |
Turbulent transfer of energy by radiating pulses (with B. Rumpf and V.E. Zakharov). Phys. Rev. Lett 103, 074502 (2009). |
187. |
Dynamical scaling and the finite capacity anomaly in 3-wave turbulence. (with C. Connaughton). Phys.Rev.E 81, 036303 (2010).PDF |
188. |
How universal are Fibonacci patterns? (with P. Shipman, Z. Sun, M. Pennybacker ). European Physical Journal D 62, 5-17 (2010).PDF |
189. |
Wave Turbulence (with B. Rumpf). Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics 43, 59-78 (2011).PDF |
190. |
Spontaneous breaking of spatial homogeneity symmetry in wave turbulence (with B. Rumpf and V.E. Zakharov). Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett (2012).
191. |
Pattern quarks and leptons. Applicable Analysis 91:2, 213-223 (2012).
192. |
Wave turbulence: A story far from over (with B. Rumpf). Advances in Wave Turbulence. World Scientific Series A on Nonlinear Science, Vol. 83, pgs.1-52 (2013). Eds. Victor Shrira and Sergey Nazarenko. |
193. |
Canonical and singular propagation of ultrashort optical pulses in a nonlinear medium. (with K. Glasner, M. Kolesik, J. Moloney.) Int. Journal of
Optics: Special Issue on Singular Optics. Vol. 2012, 868274 (2011).PDF |
194. |
Patterns on desert plants. (w/P. Shipman and T. Cooke). Desert Plants, Vol 28, Number 1,pgs 7-21. (2012). |
195. |
Spontaneous Breaking of the Spatial Homogeneity Symmetry in Wave Turbulence. (w/B.Rumpf and V.E. Zakharov) Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 194502 (2012). PDF |
196. |
Phyllotaxis, pushed pattern forming fronts and optimal packing. (W/Matt Pennybacker). Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 248104 (2013). PDF |
197. |
Fibonacci patterns: Common or rare? (w/Matt Pennybacker) Procedia IUTAM 9 (2013) 86 – 109, Elsevier. PDF |
198. |
Wave instability under short wave amplitude perturbations. (w/Benno Rumpf). Physics Letters A 377 (2013). PDF |
199. |
'Quarks and 'leptons' in three dimensional patterns. European Journal of Mechanics B 47 (2014). PDF |
200. |
Short pulse evolution equation. CRM Series in Mathematical Physics Laser Filamentation (2015). PDF |
201. |
Phyllotaxis: Some progress, but a story far from over. (W/Matt Pennybacker and Patrick D. Shipman) Physica D 306 pgs 48-41 (June 2015). PDF |