Declare a Major or Minor Today!
To declare or learn more about a major in Mathematics or Statistics & Data Science, first complete our online info session. Our knowledgebase also provides prospective students with information on exploring and declaring a major within the Department of Mathematics.
Undergraduate Programs
The mathematics department offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in two different majors: Mathematics and Statistics & Data Science (SDS). Our programs allow the student to choose a major and emphasis that best suit the individual's talents, interests, and career goals. Students may prepare for a variety of careers by selecting the appropriate degree, major, emphasis, and minor. Students choosing a mathematics or SDS major can take advantage of the full range of mathematical resources available on campus.

Mathematics Major
With 7 emphases to choose from, a major in Mathematics prepares students for a wide range of educational or career paths. Whether you intend to enter the job market upon graduation, are considering STEM or business related graduate school, or want a career in medicine, both the B.A. and B.S. in Mathematics can launch you toward success.

Stats & Data Science Major
With a solid foundation in mathematics, a Statistics and Data Science major will focus on the capture, maintenance, processing, analysis, and communication of data. This is done through immersion in courses in probability, statistics, data science and computer programming. The B.A. and B.S. allow you to pursue graduate degrees or careers in analytics, risk assessment, finance, and other math and science related fields.

Math Center Advising
The Math Center provides advising for majors or minors in Mathematics and Statistics & Data Science (SDS). We have academic advisors, faculty advisors, and college advisors to meet your specific needs.

Opportunities for Undergrads
From research, teaching, and internships, to clubs, study abroad, and student run organizations, opportunities for undergrads in the Department of Mathematics are extensive. The University of Arizona and College of Science also offer a multitude of options for career development and student involvement.

The University of Arizona Mathematics Department offers three different minor options to help a student prepare for a variety of careers. These minors are Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching, and Statistics and Data Science (SDS).

Accelerated Masters
Students pursuing a B.A. or B.S. in Statistics & Data Science (SDS) or Mathematics with either the Probability & Statistics or General/Applied emphasis may be interested in applying for the Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) in Statistics & Data Science.

Declaring a Major/Minor
Our knowledgebase provides prospective students with information on exploring and declaring a major within the Department of Mathematics.

Degree Policies
All of the degree offerings from the Department of Mathematics must follow certain policies such as double dipping rules, a mid career writing assessment, and more.