Minors in the Mathematical Sciences

Declare a Minor in Mathematical Sciences
The Department of Mathematics offers three different minors, two of which include online campus options. Please be sure to review all minor policies and requirements before making a decision.
Minor Options
Each minor requires at least 18 units of coursework in the mathematical sciences including 3 units in residence at UArizona, and at least 6 upper-division units from the courses listed in that minor's requirements. To add a minor outside the mathematics department, students usually need to contact the advisor from the offering department; see the ARC Minor Directory to find the appropriate advisor.
Please contact the Math Center with any questions.
Options: Main Campus, Online
Options: Main Campus
Options: Main Campus, Online
Minor Catalogs
Reminder: While there may be differences between recent and current catalog requirements, each minor always requires at least 18 units of coursework in the mathematical sciences (a minimum of 3 units must be taken at UA, and at least 6 units must come from specified upper-division offerings in the math department). Keep in mind that students majoring in mathematics may not declare the mathematics minor within the same degree program. It must be in a separate degree. The same applies to SDS majors and the SDS minor.
Minor FAQs/Policies
For students with a major in the mathematics department, the minor requirement can only be filled by minors outside the department. For example, a statistics major with a mathematics minor would need a second minor to fulfill the requirement.
This is possible, with the requirement that students complete at least 6 unique upper-division units in the minor. A statistics and data science major may not use courses with probability or statistics in the title as upper-division coursework in the math minor.
Double minors in mathematics and statistics are NOT permitted.
The SDS or MATH minor may fulfill a minor requirement in a second degree.
Double use of courses between the Mathematics or Statistics and Data Science (SDS) major and the student’s minor is not allowed.
Learn more about double use of course policies.
In general, undergraduate courses from other departments do not substitute for MATH or DATA courses in the minors. Exceptions are made for courses that are (or were) cross-listed as MATH courses. For details, see our knowledgebase article.
Students minoring in Computer Science may not double-dip courses with their math major. Students with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics may be able to double-dip additional courses between the two majors, within reasonable limits. It is important to consult with advisors from both majors when planning your coursework to avoid graduation delays.