Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship (UTA) Programs
MATH 100 UTA Program
Math 100 UTAs will gain experience in teaching and tutoring, as well as develop their technology skills in our online hybrid environment. The Math 100 UTA program serves our Math 100 courses. These courses have a combination of on-line and in-person instruction. UTAs, Undergraduate Teaching Assistants, are given a cohort of students to track through an on-line learning tool called ALEKS.
- grading
- setting daily and weekly goals for students
- in-person and on-line tutoring
- consistent communication with students and the instructional team.
When positions are open, you can learn more and apply on Handshake. (Learn more about Handshake)
Questions? Contact math-math100help@arizona.edu.
UTA Program for Math and Stat Majors (Calculus I and above)
The UTA Program for Math and Stat Majors provides our undergraduate majors with the opportunity to learn about teaching mathematics or statistics by working with an undergraduate course instructor. Participants meet regularly as a group with a mentor.
Shay Gilpin (until Spring 2025)
Duties Include
- participating in the weekly UTA seminar
- running review sessions, grading
- holding office hours
- possible classroom demonstrations
- a few hours a week of tutoring.
Program applicants should have completed the calculus sequence, MATH 122A/B or 125 and MATH 129, or an equivalent set of courses, with a grade of B or better. Additionally, applicants should be taking or have taken MATH 223.
Credit and pay
All undergraduate teaching assistants can now participate in the program for a mixture of credit and pay.
- Participants will earn 1 unit of upper-division elective credit; the credit will count toward graduation totals, but will not fulfill any requirements for the math major. The course will use alternative grading (S, P, F), and will therefore not impact students' GPAs.
- Participants will also earn $15.00/hour for up to 7 hours of work per week during the 15 week semester.
Application Details
Spring 2025 Deadline: 11:59pm on November 29th, 2024
- All UTAs will be required to enroll in the UTA seminar (MATH 491, worth 1 credit). The tentative meeting time for the seminar is Tuesdays from 5:15-6:15pm (MST); this might be changed to a different time (provided we are able to accommodate everyone's schedules).
- Complete the application form; you will need to upload a current resume/CV within the form.
- A reference from a UA math instructor is required. Ask your recommender to complete the brief online form.
- Recommended: If you have found a faculty member willing to supervise your assistantship, then ask them to provide a short email to confirm that they are willing to be your mentor. The mentor should submit the Mentor Form. Otherwise, the UTA coordinators will match you with a faculty mentor.
- Once applications are reviewed, interviews (if deemed necessary) will be 10-15 minutes long.
Other Programs
The Center for Recruiment and Retention of Math Teachers (CRR) partners with AmeriCorp to provide teaching/tutoring opportunities for undergraduate students known as the Student Thinking Enrichment through Mathematics Mentors. Find more information on their website.
Teaching Teams
Teaching Teams is a university-wide program with a home base in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL). Their goal is to inrease the effectiveness of undergraduate peer-instruction. Students that participate in the teaching team are called preceptors. Learn more on their website.
Math Grader Program
Our Grader Program provides opportunities to earn money while working under the guidance of the course faculty.
More Opportunities
Handshake is a great resource for students looking to gain more experience. It is a free online career hub that gives all students access to job and internship postings, career fair and employer events, employer pages with peer reviews, and more! Positions such as tutoring jobs at ThinkTank are always being posted.