Pictured: UArizona Club Olympics
Get Involved Today!
Clubs, organizations, and events are a big part of student life at UArizona. Here at the Department of Mathematics, we have clubs and events specifically for math and statistics majors, some of which are organized or sponsored by the Math Center. Find other UArizona clubs, cultural centers, and information about greek life below!
Activities for Math and Statistics Majors
Undergraduate events, lectures, and colloquia can be found on our events calendar.
MathCats Club
MathCats is the undergraduate club for students of all majors who are interested in mathematics. It provides opportunities for students to get to know each other, share experiences, have fun, and help each other succeed! Find upcoming meetings via the listserv or on the website below.
To be added to the listserv, email math-mcenter@arizona.edu or ask one of the current officers.
Instagram: @uofamathcats
Risk Runners (Actuarial Club)
Risk Runners is the undergraduate club for students of all majors who are interested in actuarial careers. It provides opportunities for students to get to know each other, connect to the broader actuarial community, pass actuarial exams, and develop open-source financial programming resources.
To be added to the listserv, contact math-mcenter@arizona.edu or ask one of the current officers.
Instagram: @uariskrunners
Mu Sigma Rho
Mu Sigma Rho is a statistics honor society whose purpose is to celebrate those who have made significant academic achievements within the field of statistics.
The national level organization determines eligibility criteria.
Our GIDP in Statistics will sponsor any eligible student’s initiation fees mentioned in the membership criteria above. Thus, joining Mu Sigma Rho will be entirely free! Mu Sigma Rho also looks great on resumes!
New Major Colloquium
DATA or MATH 195M, a 1-unit colloquium, is designed for new majors in Mathematics or Statistics and Data Science. It is a seminar-style course designed to introduce math department majors to the mathematical community at large and build students' written and oral communication skills, especially on math-related topics using the typesetting program LATEX .
Enrollment is available via UAccess.
Putnam Competition
The first Saturday in December, some UA undergraduate students participate in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, a national contest sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). The competition consists of two 3-hour sessions, during each of which each student individually attempts to solve six problems. The exam is designed to test originality and creativity in mathematical thinking.
The Putnam coordinator can provide you with copies of past Putnam exams.
UA Mathematics Problem Solving Group Seminar
The UA Mathematics Problem Solving Group Seminar meets informally once a week to ponder challenging mathematical problems and learn important techniques for solving them. A knowledge of calculus is necessary for some problems, but many problems require only insight and ingenuity.
All UA undergraduate students are welcome to participate. It is also possible to register for the seminar as a one-credit pass-fail course, MATH 294A. If you have any questions, please contact the organizer: Bryden Cais.
Career Exploration in Mathematics and Data Science
The Career Exploration in Mathematics and Data Science Seminar, DATA/MATH 395M, is a new course designed to introduce math department majors to undergraduate research, the application process for research opportunities, internships, and graduate school, and to engage in career preparation.
The seminar is open to undergraduate majors in mathematics or statistics & data science who have completed at least one course from MATH 323 or MATH 355 or DATA 363. Students enrolled in any 400-level class offered by the mathematics department will be able to obtain permission from the instructor to enroll.
The Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference brings together students and faculty from throughout the southwest for a weekend of mathematics. SUnMaRC is designed to provide opportunities for students to attend and/or present mathematics research in a supportive and fun atmosphere. In addition to student talks, there are invited speakers from a variety of areas including academia, industry and government.
NOTE: The Math Center sends a group of students each year; let us know if you have research you would like to present! math-mcenter@arizona.edu