Graduate Students

This page gives step-by-step instructions for domestic and international graduate students. We have separate instructions for faculty.

Questions? You can answer many questions by looking through our department website. If you cannot locate an answer, please contact Sylvia Anderson.

Incoming DOMESTIC Graduate Students

  1. Sign and return your offer letter, if you have not already done so. 
  2. If you have not yet received your Admissions Packet from the Graduate College, please contact the Math Graduate Coordinator, Sylvia Anderson
  3. Provide proof of immunization to Campus Health (as explained in your Admissions Packet). See the Campus Health Immunization Requirements webpage for more information. This step must be completed before you register for classes. 
  4. You were assigned a Student Identification Number (SID) when you were accepted to the university. Using your SID, obtain a UA NetID at Your UA NetID is your personal identifier for all online services at the University of Arizona (University computing accounts, course registration, class rosters and UAccess Student). 
  5. Before starting your hiring process, you will receive an automated email from the UA Human Resources Department, sent to your official UA e-mail address. This email will be from with the Subject: University of Arizona – New Hire Request Pending. The email will provide you with a link to the New Employee Work Center. 
  6. Log into the New Employee Work Center and complete the forms in the following order: 
    • Complete the "Update Personal Information" form 
    • Complete the "Submit I-9" form (should be done immediately but no later than your official start date)
      1. When completing the I-9, some fields are pre-filled by information transferred from the Personal Information Form. 
      2. Be sure the address for the I-9 is an actual US street address as PO boxes are not accepted. 
      3. If you do not complete and submit your I-9 on or before your official hire date, this will automatically change your hire date to the day you complete the form. This also means that you are not authorized to work until the date the I-9 is completed. Contracts and compensation may also change. 
      4. You must submit the required I-9 documents in person to the Business Office prior to your official hire date for final verification of employment eligibility. All documents must be originals and unexpired. Photocopies are not accepted. 
    • You can then complete the other required forms in any order you would like. The forms may include: Loyalty Oath Form, Ethnicity form, Updated Emergency Contacts form, and the Veteran Status form. 
  7. If you have any questions regarding the hiring process or the forms in the New Employee Work Center please contact Brooke Valmont. In the event that any additional information is required our Business Office will contact you. 
  8. Within a couple of weeks you should receive another email asking you to proceed to UAccess to accept your GA contract. If you do not receive anything please log into UAccess and check the system. If at that time it is still not available, please contact Brooke Valmont
  9. Read the invitation to the Integration Workshop and RSVP. You will need your Net ID to access the invitation (step 5 above). Please note while this is not mandatory, it is highly recommended and first year students find it extremely helpful to attend. 
  10. Please review the core courses in the Graduate Student Handbook and use UAccess Student Center to register for courses. Selecting your first year classes is gone over during the Integration Workshop, and the information is also found in the Graduate Student Handbook. If you have questions, please contact your Graduate Coordinator Sylvia Anderson.
  11. After mid-June register for Student Health Insurance. For more information about the options, please visit the Campus Health Service webpages
  12. Prepare your travel/relocation plans. You will need to appear personally on campus for payroll identification at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes for the semester. However, mandatory department meetings and workshops, may begin earlier(depending on whether you're teaching, are an international student, are participating in the integration workshop, or are taking the qualifying exams early). Consult the department calendar of start-of-semester meetings and workshops to guide your planning. Additional meetings (or changed meeting times due to unavoidable last-minute changes in teaching assignments) might require your availability on campus. In general, while preparing your plans, be sure to allow yourself enough time to settle housing and other relocation matters prior to your first commitment on the calendar. (See the bottom of this page for housing-related resources.) 
  13. Contact your Graduate Coordinator to provide the following information, if you have not already provided it:
    • Current contact information (address, phone, email)
    • Date of arrival on campus 
  14. Start to familiarize yourself with the information on the Mathematics Graduate Student Handbook, in particular:
  15. You should be able to begin accessing your Bursar's account balance through UAccess Student in mid-July. 
  16. If you are going to be teaching, and you have not already received a teaching assignment, please contact Tina M Deemer
  17. If you are going to be teaching, you will need to be familiar with the contents of the Math Department Instructor Resource Handbook (updated handbook coming soon), which covers departmental and university policies and procedures relating to teaching at the UA. 
  18. If you are going to be teaching, go to Mandatory Online Website to register for Teaching Assistant Training Online (TATO) and complete the FERPA, UA Harassment & Discrimination Prevention Training training modules.. Follow the instructions there for logging in to complete all modules. These requirements can affect your hiring eligibility if not completed by stated deadlines. 
  19. Since you will need to go to various buildings on campus, it may be helpful to print out a UA campus map or use the Arizona Mobile Map on your mobile device. 

  1. Preferably as soon as you are settled in Tucson, visit your Graduate Coordinator, Sylvia Anderson.
  2. Bring your required I-9 acceptable documents with you. Contact Alejandra Gaona to submit I-9 documents.
  3. Obtain a CatCard (UA Photo Identification Card) by going to the CatCard Office in the Student Union (search Student Union Memorial Center). Be sure to take a government-issued photo I.D. and Student Id number with you. 
  4. Share your CatCard number with Alejandra Gaona ( She will initiate an Adobe Sign form for the Key Desk and confirm your office assignment. 
  5. After you Adobe Sign your key form make an appointment online with the University Key Desk to obtain office keys. You will need to take your CatCard with you. This office is located at the far north end of campus, so you may want to use the free CatTran shuttle service. 
  6. Within 30 days of your start date you must complete the Arizona Public Service Orientation. Arizona state law requires all state employees to complete this orientation that covers policies and laws relating to the proper conduct of business for a public employee. At the conclusion, be sure to print the checklist, verifying that you have completed the session, sign it and deliver it to Ali Gaona in the Head's Office, room 109. 
  7. If you need a parking permit, go to Parking &Transportation Services in the Parking Office Building with your SID and your CatCard to arrange for one. 
  8. If you will be riding a bicycle to campus, you can read about options for bicycle registration and parking
  9. Attend all relevant Math Department Meetings (for additional start-of-semester activities that might apply to you, check the start-of-semester calendar):
    • For advanced graduate students taking the qualifying exams prior to their first semester here, the Math Qualifying Exams take place in early August.
    • For Mathematics graduate students, the Integration Workshop is tentatively scheduled for early August as well.
    • Math Department New Employee Orientation will be online. At this meeting, you will be introduced to key personnel in the department, go on a tour of our offices, and receive information about payroll, mailboxes, textbooks, office supplies, copy requests, teaching assignments, computing, etc.  A light lunch will be provided. Details to follow.
    • Course Meetings are in mid August before classes start. All lower-level multi-section courses have initial course meetings on one of those days. These meetings are mandatory for those teaching the courses.
    • Other mandatory meetings that might get scheduled before the start of classes will be announced by math department email. 
  10. Although you could begin accessing your Bursar's account balance through UAccess Student in mid-July the balance due might change a few times in the weeks and days leading up to the start of classes. Depending on your residence status and your level of support from the department and university (e.g., whether you are teaching, receiving out-of-state tuition coverage, receiving health insurance reimbursement, etc.), the balance due will be reduced accordingly, but often not until the third week after the payment deadline. If your portion of the balance is not paid in full by this deadline, you will be assessed a $50 late penalty (even if your portion of the balance due was as little as $1). Your Graduate Coordinator can inform you which amounts will be covered for you, so that you can calculate your portion of the balance. You can also consult the Tuition Calculator. After subtracting the amounts that will get covered for you, there will always be some miscellaneous fees remaining for you to pay, and you must pay these by the deadline to avoid the late penalty. You may also view the Mandatory Fees Schedule for those amounts. 
  11. If you are going to be teaching, go to UAccess Student (click on Instructor Center under UAccess Student) and log on using your UA NetID to obtain class rosters for the course(s) you are scheduled to teach. 

Incoming INTERNATIONAL Graduate Students

  1. Sign and return your offer letter, if you have not already done so. 
  2. If you have not yet received your Admissions Packet, which includes your SID and pin, from the Graduate College, please contact the Math Graduate Coordinator, Sylvia Anderson
  3.   Complete all visa-related paperwork emailed to you by the Arizona Global, International Student Services office. 
  4. Provide proof of immunization to Campus Health (as explained in your Admissions Packet). See the Campus Health Immunization Requirements webpage for more information. This step must be completed before you register for classes. 
  5. Before starting your hiring process, you will receive an automated email from the UA Human Resources Department, sent to your official UA e-mail address. This email will be from with the Subject: University of Arizona – New Hire Request Pending. The email will provide you with a link to the New Employee Work Center. 
  6. Log into the New Employee Work Center and complete the forms in the following order:
    • Complete the "Update Personal Information" form
    • Complete the "Submit I-9" form (should be done immediately but no later than your official start date)
      1. When completing the I-9, some fields are pre-filled by information transferred from the Personal Information Form.
      2. Be sure the address for the I-9 is an actual US street address as PO boxes are not accepted.
      3. If you do not complete and submit your I-9 on or before your official hire date, this will automatically change your hire date to the day you complete the form. This also means that you are not authorized to work until the date the I-9 is completed. Contracts and compensation may also change.
      4. You must submit the required I-9 documents in person to the Business Office prior to your official hire date for final verification of employment eligibility. All documents must be originals and unexpired. Photocopies are not accepted.
    • You can then complete the other required forms in any order you would like. The forms may include: Loyalty Oath Form (optional), Ethnicity form, Updated Emergency Contacts form, and the Veteran Status form. 
  7. If you have any questions regarding the hiring process or the forms in the New Employee Work Center please contact Brooke Valmont. In the event that any additional information is required our Business Office will contact you. 
  8. Within a couple of weeks you should receive another email asking you to proceed to UAccess to accept your GA contract. If you do not receive anything please log into UAccess and check the system. If at that time it is still not available, please contact Brooke Valmont
  9. Please review the core courses in the Graduate Student Handbook and use UAccess Student Center to register for courses. Selecting your first year classes is gone over during the Integration Workshop, and the information is also found in the Graduate Student Handbook. If you have questions, please contact your Graduate Coordinator Sylvia Anderson)
  10.  If English is not your native language you should have already taken the TOEFL or IELTS as part of admissions. If you have not done so, you will need to take the English Speaking Proficiency Evaluation (ESPE) during TA training before you are eligible for hire. Please contact Sylvia Anderson to schedule your exam. 
  11. Read the invitation to the Integration Workshop and RSVP. Please note while this is not mandatory, it is highly recommended and first year students find it extremely helpful to attend.   
  12. Please complete all check-in tasks requested by International Student Services (ISS) as soon as it become available. Once completed, you may register for classes.
  13. Prepare your travel/relocation plans. You will need to appear personally on campus for payroll identification at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes for the semester. However, mandatory department meetings and workshops may begin as earlier. Consult the start-of-semester meetings and workshops to guide your planning. Additional meetings (or changed meeting times due to unavoidable last-minute changes in teaching assignments) might require your availability on campus before the start of classes as well. In general, while preparing your plans, be sure to allow yourself enough time to settle housing and other relocation matters prior to your first commitment on the calendar. (See the bottom of this page for housing-related resources.) 
  14. Contact your Graduate Coordinator to provide the following information, if you have not already provided it:
    • Current contact information (address, phone, email)
    • Date of arrival on campus 
  15. Start to familiarize yourself with the information on the Mathematics Graduate Program website, in particular:
  16. You can begin accessing your Bursar's account balance through UAccess Student in Mid-July. 
  17. If you are going to be teaching, and you have not already received a teaching assignment, please contact Tina M Deemer
  18. If you are going to be teaching, you will need to be familiar with the contents of the Math Department Instructor Resource Handbook (Updated handbook coming soon), which covers departmental and university policies and procedures relating to teaching at the UA. 
  19. Students with a Teaching Assistantship must complete all required trainings listed on the Mandatory Online Training Website. Follow the instructions there for logging in to complete all modules. These requirements can affect your hiring eligibility if not completed by stated deadlines. 
  20. Since you will need to go to various buildings on campus, it may be helpful to print out a UA campus map or use the Arizona Mobile Map on your mobile device. 

  1. Preferably as soon as you are settled in Tucson, visit your Graduate Coordinator, Sylvia Anderson.
  2. Bring your required I-9 acceptable documents with you. You must submit the original documents in person to the Mathematics Business Office Room 119. Photocopies or expired documents are not acceptable. 
  3. Obtain a CatCard (UA Photo Identification Card) by going to the CatCard Office in the Student Union (search Student Union Memorial Center). Be sure to take a government-issued photo I.D. and Student Id number with you.
  4. Share your CatCard number with Alejandra Gaona ( She will initiate an Adobe Sign form for the Key Desk and confirm your office assignment.  
  5. After you Adobe Sign your key form make an appointment online with the University Key Desk to obtain office keys. You will need to take your CatCard with you. This office is located at the far north end of campus, so you may want to use the free CatTran shuttle service. 
  6. Within 30 days of your start date you must complete the  Arizona Public Service Orientation. Arizona state law requires all state employees to complete this orientation that covers policies and laws relating to the proper conduct of business for a public employee. At the conclusion, be sure to print the checklist, verifying that you have completed the session, sign it and deliver it to the Math Business Office, room 119. 
  7. If you need a parking permit, go to Parking &Transportation Services in the Parking Office Building with your SID and your CatCard to arrange for one. If you do not have a CatCard at that time you may reference a copy of your offer letter with your start date. 
  8. If you will be riding a bicycle to campus, you can read about options for bicycle registration and parking
  9. Attend all relevant Math Department Meetings (for additional start-of-semester activities that might apply to you, check the start-of-semester calendar):
    • For advanced graduate students taking the qualifying exams prior to their first semester here, the Math Qualifying Exams take place in early August.
    • For Mathematics graduate students, the Integration Workshop is tentatively scheduled for early August as well.
    • Math Department New Employee Orientation will be online. At this meeting, you will be introduced to key personnel in the department, go on a tour of our offices, and receive information about payroll, mailboxes, textbooks, office supplies, copy requests, teaching assignments, computing, etc.  A light lunch will be provided. Details to follow.
    • Course Meetings are in mid August before classes start. All lower-level multi-section courses have initial course meetings on one of those days. These meetings are mandatory for those teaching the courses.
    • Other mandatory meetings that might get scheduled before the start of classes will be announced by math department email. 
  10. Although you could begin accessing your Bursar's account balance through UAccess Student in mid-July the balance due might change a few times in the weeks and days leading up to the start of classes. Depending on your residence status and your level of support from the department and university (e.g., whether you are teaching, receiving out-of-state tuition coverage, receiving health insurance reimbursement, etc.), the balance due will be reduced accordingly, but often not until the third week after the payment deadline on August 21, 2023. If your portion of the balance is not paid in full by this deadline, you will be assessed a $50 late penalty (even if your portion of the balance due was as little as $1). Your Graduate Coordinator can inform you which amounts will be covered for you, so that you can calculate your portion of the balance. You can also consult the Tuition Calculator. After subtracting the amounts that will get covered for you, there will always be some miscellaneous fees remaining for you to pay, and you must pay these by the deadline to avoid the late penalty. You may also view the Mandatory Fees Schedule for those amounts. 
  11. If you are going to be teaching, go to UAccess Student (click on Instructor Center under UAccess Student) and log on using your UA NetID to obtain class rosters for the course(s) you are scheduled to teach. 

Other Important Information


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